Sonata for Flute and Piano in D-dur (1943), op. 94 (Prokofiev)

Sergey Prokofiev (1891–1953)

Sonata for Flute and Piano in D-dur (1943), op. 94

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1. Moderato
2. Scherzo
3. Andante
4. Allegro con brio

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Svetlana Mitryaykina (flute). Recording from the Rachmaninoff Hall of the Moscow Conservatory January 30, 2001

Flute - Marina Vorontzova. Recorded: 8/12/1984, Moscow.


Natalia Frolova (piano)





Rec. 1960`s.

Recorded: December 26-28, 1956, Paris.

Entry - April 1978, Prague.


Recorded: September 19, 2008 & June 19, 2010, Richter Hall, Győr.


Karen Yonovitz - flute. Recorded: February 12, 1985 at CU Boulder.

Recorded: May 1998, Salt-Lake-City, USA.


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