Trio sonata for violin, lute and basso continuo in C-dur, RV 82 (Vivaldi)

Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741)

Trio sonata for violin, lute and basso continuo in C-dur, RV 82

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1. Allegro non molto
2. Largetto
3. Allegro

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Released in 1994.

2014, Treviso

CD 1969

arranged by E. Bitetti from the album of the 1992 release

transcription for lute solo - P.Cherici // recording 2005


Karol Petroczi - viola d`amour, Pavol Gimcik - cello, Maria Liskova - harpsichord. Recording - June 6-8, 1990, Kosice.


Recorded in Moscow (Russia), 1992.

2-7 February 1991, Kosice.

recorded 1996 in Switzerland

John Corigliano - violin, Domenic Saltarelli - viola, Margaret Bella - cello. 1965


Göran Söllscher (guitar) / Thomas Füri (violin) / Camerata Bern


John WILLIAMS (guitar) / Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra / con. Janos Rolla / 1990, Budapest

Entry - October 1968


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