`Quant lo rosignols el fuoillos`,  (Rudel)

Jaufre Rudel (1103–1148)

`Quant lo rosignols el fuoillos`

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Marc Bernad (hurdy-gurdy, voice, percussion), Christian Buono (voice), Iyad Haimour (qanun, percussion), Louis Soret (oud, rebec, fiddle, horn flute, ney, shawm, capped oboe, voice, percussion), Gedeon Richard (narration) / Hervé Berteaux (reed & horn flutes, shawm, capped oboe & dir.) / 1993

Ensemble `Tre Fontane`: Jean-Luc Madier (vocals, mandolin), Herve Bertoux (flute), Pascal Lefebvre (organistrum), Jacques Detraz (percussion). 1991.

Sandra Hurtado-Ros, Isabelle Bonnadier, Martina `Hoya` de Peyra, (vocals), Robert Guy (oud, lute, harp), Andre Rochard (oud, lute, gittern, fidel, rebeck, shalmay), Veronique Condessi (harp), Valerie Lume (gittern, zither), Patrice Villaume (cymbals, organistrum), Nick Blanton (cymbals), Dominique Rejef (rebec, fidel, organistrum), Domitil Vigneron (rebec, fidel), Maurice Moncose (fidel, rebec), Christophe Deligne (organetto) - vocals and hands. the ensemble of Gerard Zucchetto. CD La Trò

Martin Best (voice, psaltery, guittarra moresca), Frances Kelly (harp), Lucie Skeaping (fideles), Roddy Skeaping (fideles), Jan Walters (harp), Nigel Eaton (symphony), David Tosh (percussion), Libby Crabtree (singer), Rachel Elliot (singer), Caris Lane (singer), Rebecca Outram (singer), Clara Sanabras (singer) / Concert Hall of Nimbus Foundation, 1996



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