Operas Overture,  (Salieri)

Antonio Salieri (1750–1825)

Operas Overture


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
`Les Horaces` (1786) / Philharmonia Orchestra - con. Pietro Spada / 1996

Semiramida / Philharmonia Orchestra - con. Pietro Spada / 1996

Overture to `Cublai, gran kan de Tartari` in D major. London Mozart Players, conductor Matthias Bamert. Label: Chandos. Recording venue All Saints’, Tooting, London; 10–11 April 2000.

Overture to `Falstaff, ossia Le tre burle` in D major. London Mozart Players, conductor Matthias Bamert. Label: Chandos. Recording venue All Saints’, Tooting, London; 10–11 April 2000.

Overture to `Angiolina, ossia Il martrimonio per sussuro` in D major. London Mozart Players, conductor Matthias Bamert. Label: Chandos. Recording venue All Saints’, Tooting, London; 10–11 April 2000.

Overture to `La locandiera` in D major. London Mozart Players, conductor Matthias Bamert. Label: Chandos. Recording venue All Saints’, Tooting, London; 10–11 April 2000.

`Les Danaïdes` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Falstaff` / orchestra Guido Cantelli of Milan / 1997, Milan

`Cesare in Farmacusa` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Der Rauchfangkehrer` (1781) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey / 2007, Heidelberg, Germany

`Il talismano` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Catilina` (1790-92) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey / 2007, Heidelberg, Germany

`Il Ricco d`un giorno` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Les Danaïdes` / Les Talens Lyriques - con. Cristophe Rousset / 2013, Arsenal in Metz, France

`Axur, re d`Ormus` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`La grotta di Trofonio` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Eraclito e Democrito` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Il moro` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Daliso e Delmita` (1776) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey / 2007, Heidelberg, Germany

`Don Chisciotte alle nozze di Gamace` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Les Danaïdes` (1784) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey / 2007, Heidelberg, Germany

`La Secchia rapita` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Les Horaces` (1786) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey / 2007, Heidelberg, Germany

`La grotta di Trofonio` / Les Talens Lyriques - con. Cristophe Rousset / 2005, L`opera Lausanne

`Armida` / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Tarare` (1787) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey

`L`Angiolina ossia Il matrimonio per sussurro` (1800) / Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra - con. Michael Dittrich / 1991, Bratislava

`Palmira, regina di Persia` (1795) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey

`Il mondo alla rovescia` (1795) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey

`Die Neger` (1802-04) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey

`L`Angiolina ossia Il matrimonio per sussurro` (1800) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey

`Die Hussiten vor Naumburg` (1802-03) / Mannheim Mozart Orchestra - con. Thomas Fey



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