Parts of Works,  (Purcell)

Henry Purcell (1659–1695)

Parts of Works


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The Indian Queen, Z. 630 (1695), act 3: Do not strive to know (God of Dreams)

Indian Queen, Z. 630 (1695 ) - Act 3: Ah, how happy are we

Ode on St. Cecilia`s Day, Z.328 ` `Tis nature`s voice`

The Fairy Queen, Z. 629 40: `O let me weep` (The Plaint)

Ode to Hail! bright Cecilia!: X. In vain the Am`rous flute

Suite for Harpsichord No. 7 in D minor, Z 668. Almand.

Suite for Harpsichord No. 7 in D minor. Chacona and Hornpipe

Suite for Harpsichord No. 4 in A minor.Prelude.

Colin Tilney (harpsichord), Alison Mackay (viola da gamba). Released by DORIAN Recordings (USA) in 1992.

Colin Tilney (harpsichord), Alison Mackay (viola da gamba). Released by DORIAN Recordings (USA) in 1992.

Colin Tilney (harpsichord), Alison Mackay (viola da gamba). Released by DORIAN Recordings (USA) in 1992.

`Music from `King Arthur`. Recorded at Paisley Abbey, Scotland, June 2002.

Aria from Queen of the Indians. Records 2006-07

Opera `King Arthur`, Z 628: Movt. 38, Aria, `Fairest Isle` (`Island of Happiness and Joy`). A. Suetin - theorb. 2007

Ode to the Queen`s Birthday `Come Ye Sons of Art` (1694), Z 323: No. 5 `Strike the viol, touch the lute` (`Touch the viola strings with your hand`). A. Suetin - theorba. 2007

Semi-Opera `Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian or Dioclesian` (1690), Z 627: Movt. 31 (App 2), Aria, `Since from my dear Astrea`s sight` (`Since he was separated from Astrea mila`). A. Suetin - theorba. 2007

Semi-Opera, The Indian Queen (1695), Z 630: `I attempt from love`s sickness` (`From love`s misfortune I run in vain`). A. Suetin - theorba. 2007

From Ode Z 328: `Tis Nature`s Voice`. Recording - April 21-23, 1999, Great Britain.

From Ode Z 324: `Be welcome then, great Sir`. Recording - April 21-23, 1999, Great Britain.

From Ode Z 332: `By beauteous softness`. Recording - April 21-23, 1999, Great Britain.

`Air in A`. Recorded January 1994 at Bullfrog Studios, Vancouver (BC), Canada.

`Trumpet Voluntary`. Maurice André (trumpet), Brass Ensemble, Armand Birbaum (conductor). Recorded at Notre-Dame de Paris (France). Released in 1966.

2007, Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel Church, Québec, Canada.

`Trumpet Tune` (King Arthur). LES BORÉADES DE MONTRÉAL. FRANCIS COLPRON (recorder, transverse flute, conductor). Recorded at the Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel Church, Québec, Canada. Released in 2007.

`First Music` (The Fairy Queen). LES BORÉADES DE MONTRÉAL. FRANCIS COLPRON (recorder, transverse flute, conductor). Recorded at the Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel Church, Québec, Canada. Released in 2007.

`Chaconne` (King Arthur). LES BORÉADES DE MONTRÉAL. FRANCIS COLPRON (recorder, transverse flute, conductor). Recorded at the Saint-Augustin-de-Mirabel Church, Québec, Canada. Released in 2007.

Minuets from Harpsichord Suites No. 1 and No. 8 (Z 660 & 669). Arr. A. Cortot. Recording - April 19, 1948, London. (Take on shell)

Minuets from Harpsichord Suites No. 1 and No. 8 (Z 660 & 669). Arr. A. Cortot. Recording - April 19, 1948, London. (Take on tape)

Minuet. Recording - October 26, 1936, London. Agg. Archibald Martin Henderson.

Siciliana. Recording - October 26, 1936, London. Agg. Archibald Martin Henderson.

Gavotte. Recording - October 26, 1936, London. Agg. Archibald Martin Henderson.

Aria. Recording - October 26, 1936, London. Agg. Archibald Martin Henderson.

Duet from the opera `King Arthur`: `Shepherd, leave decoying`. Recording of 1945

`The Indian Queen`: `Let us wander, not unseen`. Recording of 1945

Ode `Arise my Muse`, Z 320: `But ah, I see Eusebia drown`d in tears`. Recording - October 2009, France.

Ode `Celestial music did the gods inspire`, Z 322: `Her Charming Strains`. Recording - October 2009, France.

I attempt from Love`s Sickness to Fly (from `The Indian Queen`), Z630/17h. Robert Docker - conductor. Early 1960`s.

Semi-Opera, Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian or Dioclesian (1690), Z 627: Movt. 33, Aria and Ritornello `Still I`m wishing`. Recording - April 21-23, 1999, Great Britain.


Semi-Opera, Prophetess or The History of Dioclesian or Dioclesian (1690): Movt. 35, Duet (dialogue), `Tell me why my charming fair`. Recording - January 8-9, 1982, Great Britain.

Incidental Music `Amphitryon or The Two Sosias` Z 572: Movt. 11, Song, `Fair Iris and her swain`. Recording - January 8-9, 1982, Great Britain.

Suite from Abdelazar.

Opera `Timon of Athens`: Movt. 9, Aria `Return, revolting rebels`. Max van Egroond - bass.

`Echo dance of the furies` (from the opera `Dido and Aeneas`, act 2).

Ritornel from the opera `Dido and Aeneas` (act 2).

``Trumpet Overture`` from ``The Indian Queen``. English Chamber Orchestra, Raymond Leppard (conductor). Recorded at St. Barnabas Church, London (England), 1983.

Ode `Come Ye Sons of Art`, Z 323: V. `Strike the viol`. Recording - October 2009, France.

Ode `Love`s goddess sure was blind`, Z 331: `Sweetness of Nature`. Recording - October 2009, France.

Lamento `When I am laid in Earth` (from ``Dido and Aeneas``). Recorded at Église Saint-Augustin, MIrabel (Québec), Canada, July 7-9, 2004.

Chacony from Semi-Opera `King Arthur or The British Worthy` (1691), Z 628.

LA SIMPHONIE DU MARAIS in ``A Collection of Ayres for Recorders``. Released in 1995.

LA SIMPHONIE DU MARAIS in ``A Collection of Ayres for Recorders``. Released in 1995.

Canary (from `The Indian Queen` (Z. 630-18)) for harpsichord 1966.

Z. 333 No. 4, from `The Yorkshire Feast Song` (1690): `The bashful Thames`. Sarah Sexton - violin I, Andrea Morris - violin II, Elizabeth Kenny - theorbo, Anne-Marie Lasla - bass viol. Recorded in January 2006 at St Paul’s Church, New Southgate, London, England.

LUTE-HARPSICHORD. `Prelude` (from Suite No. 4 in A minor, Z 663/b). Recorded in Hungary, 1988.

GUITAR. `Prelude` (from Suite No. 4 in A minor, Z 663/a). Recorded in Hungary, 1988.

From the music to the play `Don Quixote`, Z 578: The song `From rosie bow`rs` (Movt. 9). Recording 2004

Movt. 37, Aria `Thy hand Belinda, darkness shades me` (Act III). Entry 2004.

2010 King Arthur, Or The British Worthy (1691): 1) Act 5 - Fairest Isle

Ode To `Come Ye Sons Of Art`, Z 323: 1) Sound The Trumpet

Oedipus - Music For A While, Z 583. 2010



`Hail, Bright Cecilia`, Z.328: X. Duet. `In vain the am`rous flute`. Recorded at Chapelle du Grand Séminaire de Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Canada, May 13-16, 2004.

The Fairy Queen, Z. 629: Act 5, `The Plaint`. Recorded at Chapelle du Grand Séminaire de Montréal, Montréal (Québec), Canada, May 13-16, 2004.

Music for the play `Don Quixote` (1694-1695), Z 578 `From Rosie Bow`rs`. Record of 2013.Nicolas Achten · Reinoud Van Mechelen · Justin Glaie · Simon Linné

The Indian Queen, Z. 630 (1695) , Act IV: `They Tell Us That Your Mighty Powers Above`

Semi-opera `The Prophetess, or the Story of Diocletian` (1690), Z 627 Act V: Still I`m wishing (Follower of Cupid)

Ode to the birthday of Queen Mary II, I 323 - Aria Strike the Viol

Trumpet Overture from `The Indian Queen`. Recorded in 1960-1961.

Overture from `The Duke of Gloucester`s Birthday Ode`. Recorded in 1960-1961.

Symphony from `The Yorkshire Feast Song`. Recorded in 1960-1961.

Symphony from `The Fairy Queen`. Recorded in 1960-1961.


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