12th century. Christmas carols of the Aquitanian monasteries,  (Anonymous)


12th century. Christmas carols of the Aquitanian monasteries


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Uterus hodie
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

Quam felix cubiculum
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

Descendit de celis
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

Clara sonent organa
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

Alleluia! Iustus ut palma florebit
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

Gaudia debita
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

Noster cetus psallat letus
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

Natus est rex
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

Dulci dignum melodia
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

De monte lapis scinditur
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

Virginis in gremio
SEQUENTIA (Sons of Thunder). Released in 1997.

Mundo salus gracie
SEQUENTIA (Vox Feminae). Released in 1997.

Iudicii signum
SEQUENTIA (Vox Feminae). Released in 1997.

Iubilemus, exultemus
SEQUENTIA (Vox Feminae). Released in 1997.

O Maria, Deu maire
SEQUENTIA (Vox Feminae). Released in 1997.



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