.2 century Ancient Roman chants  |
.5-8 centuries. Armenian sacred music  |
.9-10 centuries. Music of the Carolingian dynasty  |
10th-12th centuries. Sacred Music of Croatia  |
10th-13th centuries. Beneventan chants  |
10th-15th centuries. Byzantine church chants  |
11th century. `Cambridge Songs` (Carmina Cantabrigiensia) (Rhineland)  |
12 cent. Tristan & Iseult (modern compilation)  |
12-13 centuries. Ecole de Notre-Dame de Paris  |
12th century. Ambrosian chants  |
12th century. Chants of the Templars  |
12th century. Christmas carols of the Aquitanian monasteries  |
12th century. Codex Calixtinus  |
12th century. `Ludus Danielis`  |
12th-15th centuries. Hungarian church and sacred music of the  |
13th and 14th Century English Chant and Polyphony  |
13th century Ego sum Resurrectio. Gregorian Chant for the Dead  |
13th century Misteri d`Elx, Spain  |
13th century `Carmina Burana`. Medieval songs from the Benediktbeuren manuscript  |
13th century)  |
13th century. Elder Edda, a collection of sagas (reconstruction)  |
13th century. Laudario di Cortona (Italy)  |
13th century. Sarum rite, England  |
13th century. Song `Miri it is while sumer ilast` (“Merry it is while summer ylast”), England  |
13th-14th centuries. Codex Las Huelgas  |
13th-14th centuries. Gregorian Chant from Avignon  |
13th-14th centuries. Gregorian Chant, Mass  |
13th-14th centuries. Gregorian Chants  |
13th-14th centuries. Medieval monophony and polyphony  |
13th-14th centuries. Music of medieval pilgrims  |
13th-14th century. Ars antiqua  |
13th-15th centuries. Medieval chants of England  |
13th-century. Songs to the Virgin from France  |
14-15 centuries. Codex Reina (Italy)  |
14th century  |
14th century Lamento di Tristano / La rotta (Italy)  |
14th century. Catholic liturgy, åhe Office of St. Nicholas  |
14th century. Estampie  |
14th century. Medieaeval liturgical drama - The Prague Easter Play  |
14th century. Music at the Court of Gaston Febus  |
14th century. Roman de Fauvel  |
14th centuryCodex Chantilly (Chantilly, Musée Condé MS 564)  |
14th-16th century. Chant & polyphony from medieval England  |
15-16th century. Cancons de la Catalunya  |
15th century  |
15th century. Carol (England)  |
15th century. Cyprus (Turin) manuscript  |
15th century. Czech Christmas Carols from the Jistebnice Hymnal  |
15th century. English Christmas carol `The Cherry Tree Carol`  |
15th century. Music of the court of Janus, King of Cyprus  |
16th Century  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 1.Villancico ”Como puedo yo bivir”  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 2.Villancico ”Y dezid serranicas, he”  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 3.Villancico ”Dime, robadora que te mereci”  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 5.Villancico ”No me los amuestres más”  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 8.Villancico ”Andarán siempre mis ojos”  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 14.Si la noche haze escura  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 24.Vella de vos som amoros (See you, we`re loves)  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 25.Ojos garços a la niña (Gray eyes to the girl)  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 26.Estas noches à tan largas (These nights are so long)  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 27.Villancico ”Ay luna que reluzes!”  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 29.Villancico ”Con qué la lavaré”  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 33.Villancico ”Falalalán, falalalera de la guarda riera”  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 35.Que farem del pobre Joan  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 36.Teresica hermana  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 42.Un niño nos es nasçido  |
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 46.Villancico ”Riu, riu, chiu”  |
16th century. Catholic liturgy. Mass `Rorate`  |
16th century. England, Elizabethan consort music  |
16th century. Music from the collections of Pierre Falaise (France)  |
16th century. Music of Lithuania  |
16th century. My Lady Carey`s Dompe  |
16th century. Transylvania Music  |
17-18 centuries. Polonaise  |
17th century  |
17th century Ballad `The Three Ravens` (England)  |
17th century Music from the collections of John Playford (England)  |
17th century. Catholic liturgy. Palm Sunday procession, Hungary  |
17th-18th centuries. Latin American Baroque Music  |
18th century  |
18th century. Music book Nannerl Mozart (1759-64)  |
19th century  |
19th century. Britannia. Robert Burns`s songs on Scottish folk melodies  |
20th century  |
American traditional songs  |
American traditional: Gospel music  |
American traditional: Spirituals  |
Ancient christian chants  |
Arabian traditional  |
Aramaic songs  |
Armenian Traditional  |
Azerbaijanian traditional mughams  |
Belorussian Folk Songs  |
Bishop Martinez Companion Codex (Trujillo, Peru, ca. 1782-85)  |
Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): .............., villansico |
Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): Al alva venid, buen amigo, villansico  |
Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): Dindirindin, ensalada  |
Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): Muchos van d`amor heridos, villansico  |
Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): Rodrigo Martínez, villansico  |
Carpathian carols  |
Celtic Folk Music  |
Chant of the Reformation in Hungary: Easter  |
Chants from the Cistercian Vaults  |
Chinese traditional  |
Codex of Gregorio de Suola (Peru, XVII century)  |
Columbian music  |
Czech Folk Songs  |
Deutsche Weinachtslieder  |
Dutch folk song  |
Early music: 12th-century - Ad superni regis decus  |
Early Music: Anonymous IX â. `Audi Tellus, Audi Magni Maris Limbus` (nymn)  |
Early Music: Anonymous XIV-XV c. (France): L`homme armé (chanson)  |
Early Music: Anonymous, XIII c. `Tristan et Yseut`  |
Early Music: Codex Faenza (Biblioteca Communale, Faenza)  |
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Ah, Pelayo que desmayo  |
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Dizen a mi que los amores he  |
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Gozate Virgen  |
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Si de vos mi bien  |
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Si n`os huviera mirado  |
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Soleta so jo aci  |
Early music: El canconer del duc de Calabria - Falai meus olhos  |
Early music: El canconer del duc de Calabria - Yo me soy la morenica  |
Early music: l`Ars Nova Florentine. Amor mi fa cantar  |
Early Music: Montpellier Codex (Montpellier, Bibliothèque Inter-Universitaire, Section Médecine, H196)  |
Early Music: Pilgrim Songs from the Monastery of Montserrat. (Spain, 1400-1420)  |
Early Music: The Forgotten Kingdom. The Tragedy of the Cathars  |
Eight vivats of the era of Peter I |
English Folk Songs  |
France (17th-18th centuries): Le Livre d`orgue de Montréal  |
French folk songs  |
Gagauz music  |
Georgian music  |
German folk songs  |
Greek music  |
Gypsy Songs  |
Indian traditional  |
Irish Traditional  |
Italian Folk Songs: La girometta  |
Italian Romantic songs  |
Japanese folk (traditional) music  |
Jewish Traditional  |
Lao Music  |
Liturgical music Orthodox: Dostoino est  |
Liturgical music Orthodox: Kheruvimskaya Pesn  |
Liturgical music Orthodox: Praise the Name of the Lord  |
Liturgical Music: Early polyphony  |
Liturgical music: Medieval Byzantine Chant. Epiphany  |
Liturgical music: Melchite Rite  |
Motet `Eyn Kelohienu` (instr.)/Sonata in dialogo detta la Viena  |
Music collection, compiled Indians kanichana and moksos in honor of King Charles IV and his wife Marie-Louise (San Pedro de Moksos , Bolivia, 1790)  |
Norwegian folk song  |
Oh you night  |
Oh, you wide steppe (Russian folk song)  |
Old Belarusian anonymous music: Military songs of the Litvins of the XVII century (Ñïåâû ðûöàðࢠi øëÿõòû Âÿëiêàé Ëiòâû)  |
Old Belarusian anonymous music: Polotsk notebook (Ïîëàöêi ñøûòàê), XVII century  |
Old Belarusian anonymous music: Vilnius notebook (³ëåíñê³ ñøûòàê), XVII century  |
Old Belarusian cants  |
Orthodox Sacred Music: the Holy One of God  |
Orthodox Spiritual Music: Gentle Light ...  |
Orthodox Spiritual Music: Multan Polyeleos  |
Persian classical music  |
Peruvian music  |
Rumanian traditional sacred chants  |
Russian anonymous music of the time of Peter I  |
Russian anonymous romances of the 19th century  |
Russian anonymous song of the 18th century  |
Russian anonymous spiritual cants of the 18th century  |
Russian Cossack songs  |
Russian Folk Music  |
Russian folk song `When I served as a coachman in the mail` (lyrics by L. Trefolev)  |
Russian folk song “Do not tell Masha to go for a small river”  |
Russian Medieval Chant  |
Russian military marches  |
Russian Orthodox sacred music  |
Russian Orthodox sacred music: Canticle  |
Russian Orthodox sacred music: Troparions  |
Russian Orthodox sacred music: Znamenny chant  |
Russian soldiers` songs of the 19th century  |
Russian songs from the Patriotic War of 1812  |
Scottish Songs  |
Sepharad. Songs of the Spanish Jews.  |
Serbian Orthodox music  |
Song `Twelve Brigands`  |
Spanish folk music  |
Spanish Folk Songs  |
Swiss Folk Songs  |
The Passions in Russian Tradition: Excerpts from Monk Christophor`s Manuscript, 1604  |
Turkish music  |
Ukrainian folk song  |
Vdol po Piterskoi, a Russian folk song  |
Venezuelan Traditional  |
Welsh Folk Songs  |
XII c. (France) song `A l`entrada del temps clar`  |
XII century. Song of the Second Crusade: Chevalier, mult estes guariz (France)  |
XIII century. Motets from the Bamberg manuscript  |
XIV c. The Medieval Ballads  |
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 1.O Virgo splendens (O shining maiden)  |
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 2.Stella splendens (Shining star)  |
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 3.Laudemus Virginem (Praise the Virgin)  |
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 4.Splendens ceptigera» (Shining Empress)  |
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 5.Los set goytsa (Seven joys)  |
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 6.Cuncti simus concanentes (Let`s sing together)  |
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 7.Polorum Regina (Queen of heaven)  |
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 8.Mariam, matrem virginem, attolite (Praise to Mary, Most Pure Mother of God)  |
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 9.Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa (Ruler of the City of Heaven)  |
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 10.Ad mortem festinamus (We hurry towards death)  |