
Sort by: name | popularity | playlist
.2 century Ancient Roman chants
.5-8 centuries. Armenian sacred music
.9-10 centuries. Music of the Carolingian dynasty
10th-12th centuries. Sacred Music of Croatia
10th-13th centuries. Beneventan chants
10th-15th centuries. Byzantine church chants
11th century. `Cambridge Songs` (Carmina Cantabrigiensia) (Rhineland)
12 cent. Tristan & Iseult (modern compilation)
12-13 centuries. Ecole de Notre-Dame de Paris
12th century. Ambrosian chants
12th century. Chants of the Templars
12th century. Christmas carols of the Aquitanian monasteries
12th century. Codex Calixtinus
12th century. `Ludus Danielis`
12th-15th centuries. Hungarian church and sacred music of the
13th and 14th Century English Chant and Polyphony
13th century Ego sum Resurrectio. Gregorian Chant for the Dead
13th century Misteri d`Elx, Spain
13th century `Carmina Burana`. Medieval songs from the Benediktbeuren manuscript
13th century)
13th century. Elder Edda, a collection of sagas (reconstruction)
13th century. Laudario di Cortona (Italy)
13th century. Sarum rite, England
13th century. Song `Miri it is while sumer ilast` (“Merry it is while summer ylast”), England
13th-14th centuries. Codex Las Huelgas
13th-14th centuries. Gregorian Chant from Avignon
13th-14th centuries. Gregorian Chant, Mass
13th-14th centuries. Gregorian Chants
13th-14th centuries. Medieval monophony and polyphony
13th-14th centuries. Music of medieval pilgrims
13th-14th century. Ars antiqua
13th-15th centuries. Medieval chants of England
13th-century. Songs to the Virgin from France
14-15 centuries. Codex Reina (Italy)
14th century
14th century Lamento di Tristano / La rotta (Italy)
14th century. Catholic liturgy, åhe Office of St. Nicholas
14th century. Estampie
14th century. Medieaeval liturgical drama - The Prague Easter Play
14th century. Music at the Court of Gaston Febus
14th century. Roman de Fauvel
14th centuryCodex Chantilly (Chantilly, Musée Condé MS 564)
14th-16th century. Chant & polyphony from medieval England
15-16th century. Cancons de la Catalunya
15th century
15th century. Carol (England)
15th century. Cyprus (Turin) manuscript
15th century. Czech Christmas Carols from the Jistebnice Hymnal
15th century. English Christmas carol `The Cherry Tree Carol`
15th century. Music of the court of Janus, King of Cyprus
16th Century
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 1.Villancico ”Como puedo yo bivir”
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 2.Villancico ”Y dezid serranicas, he”
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 3.Villancico ”Dime, robadora que te mereci”
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 5.Villancico ”No me los amuestres más”
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 8.Villancico ”Andarán siempre mis ojos”
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 14.Si la noche haze escura
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 24.Vella de vos som amoros (See you, we`re loves)
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 25.Ojos garços a la niña (Gray eyes to the girl)
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 26.Estas noches à tan largas (These nights are so long)
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 27.Villancico ”Ay luna que reluzes!”
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 29.Villancico ”Con qué la lavaré”
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 33.Villancico ”Falalalán, falalalera de la guarda riera”
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 35.Que farem del pobre Joan
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 36.Teresica hermana
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 42.Un niño nos es nasçido
16th century. Cancionero de Upsala (Spain): 46.Villancico ”Riu, riu, chiu”
16th century. Catholic liturgy. Mass `Rorate`
16th century. England, Elizabethan consort music
16th century. Music from the collections of Pierre Falaise (France)
16th century. Music of Lithuania
16th century. My Lady Carey`s Dompe
16th century. Transylvania Music
17-18 centuries. Polonaise
17th century
17th century Ballad `The Three Ravens` (England)
17th century Music from the collections of John Playford (England)
17th century. Catholic liturgy. Palm Sunday procession, Hungary
17th-18th centuries. Latin American Baroque Music
18th century
18th century. Music book Nannerl Mozart (1759-64)
19th century
19th century. Britannia. Robert Burns`s songs on Scottish folk melodies
20th century
American traditional songs
American traditional: Gospel music
American traditional: Spirituals
Ancient christian chants
Arabian traditional
Aramaic songs
Armenian Traditional
Azerbaijanian traditional mughams
Belorussian Folk Songs
Bishop Martinez Companion Codex (Trujillo, Peru, ca. 1782-85)
Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): .............., villansico
Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): Al alva venid, buen amigo, villansico
Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): Dindirindin, ensalada
Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): Muchos van d`amor heridos, villansico
Cancionero de palacio (XV-XVI ññ. Spain): Rodrigo Martínez, villansico
Carpathian carols
Celtic Folk Music
Chant of the Reformation in Hungary: Easter
Chants from the Cistercian Vaults
Chinese traditional
Codex of Gregorio de Suola (Peru, XVII century)
Columbian music
Czech Folk Songs
Deutsche Weinachtslieder
Dutch folk song
Early music: 12th-century - Ad superni regis decus
Early Music: Anonymous IX â. `Audi Tellus, Audi Magni Maris Limbus` (nymn)
Early Music: Anonymous XIV-XV c. (France): L`homme armé (chanson)
Early Music: Anonymous, XIII c. `Tristan et Yseut`
Early Music: Codex Faenza (Biblioteca Communale, Faenza)
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Ah, Pelayo que desmayo
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Dizen a mi que los amores he
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Gozate Virgen
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Si de vos mi bien
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Si n`os huviera mirado
Early music: El cançoner del duc de Calabria - Soleta so jo aci
Early music: El canconer del duc de Calabria - Falai meus olhos
Early music: El canconer del duc de Calabria - Yo me soy la morenica
Early music: l`Ars Nova Florentine. Amor mi fa cantar
Early Music: Montpellier Codex (Montpellier, Bibliothèque Inter-Universitaire, Section Médecine, H196)
Early Music: Pilgrim Songs from the Monastery of Montserrat. (Spain, 1400-1420)
Early Music: The Forgotten Kingdom. The Tragedy of the Cathars
Eight vivats of the era of Peter I
English Folk Songs
France (17th-18th centuries): Le Livre d`orgue de Montréal
French folk songs
Gagauz music
Georgian music
German folk songs
Greek music
Gypsy Songs
Indian traditional
Irish Traditional
Italian Folk Songs: La girometta
Italian Romantic songs
Japanese folk (traditional) music
Jewish Traditional
Lao Music
Liturgical music Orthodox: Dostoino est
Liturgical music Orthodox: Kheruvimskaya Pesn
Liturgical music Orthodox: Praise the Name of the Lord
Liturgical Music: Early polyphony
Liturgical music: Medieval Byzantine Chant. Epiphany
Liturgical music: Melchite Rite
Music collection, compiled Indians kanichana and moksos in honor of King Charles IV and his wife Marie-Louise (San Pedro de Moksos , Bolivia, 1790)
Norwegian folk song
Oh you night
Oh, you wide steppe (Russian folk song)
Old Belarusian anonymous music: Military songs of the Litvins of the XVII century (Ñïåâû ðûöàðࢠi øëÿõòû Âÿëiêàé Ëiòâû)
Old Belarusian anonymous music: Polotsk notebook (Ïîëàöêi ñøûòàê), XVII century
Old Belarusian anonymous music: Vilnius notebook (³ëåíñê³ ñøûòàê), XVII century
Old Belarusian cants
Orthodox Sacred Music: the Holy One of God
Orthodox Spiritual Music: Gentle Light ...
Orthodox Spiritual Music: Multan Polyeleos
Persian classical music
Peruvian music
Rumanian traditional sacred chants
Russian anonymous music of the time of Peter I
Russian anonymous romances of the 19th century
Russian anonymous song of the 18th century
Russian anonymous spiritual cants of the 18th century
Russian Cossack songs
Russian Folk Music
Russian folk song `When I served as a coachman in the mail` (lyrics by L. Trefolev)
Russian folk song “Do not tell Masha to go for a small river”
Russian Medieval Chant
Russian military marches
Russian Orthodox sacred music
Russian Orthodox sacred music: Canticle
Russian Orthodox sacred music: Troparions
Russian Orthodox sacred music: Znamenny chant
Russian soldiers` songs of the 19th century
Russian songs from the Patriotic War of 1812
Scottish Songs
Sepharad. Songs of the Spanish Jews.
Serbian Orthodox music
Song `Twelve Brigands`
Spanish folk music
Spanish Folk Songs
Swiss Folk Songs
The Passions in Russian Tradition: Excerpts from Monk Christophor`s Manuscript, 1604
Turkish music
Ukrainian folk song
Vdol po Piterskoi, a Russian folk song
Venezuelan Traditional
Welsh Folk Songs
XII c. (France) song `A l`entrada del temps clar`
XII century. Song of the Second Crusade: Chevalier, mult estes guariz (France)
XIII century. Motets from the Bamberg manuscript
XIV c. The Medieval Ballads
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 1.O Virgo splendens (O shining maiden)
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 2.Stella splendens (Shining star)
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 3.Laudemus Virginem (Praise the Virgin)
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 4.Splendens ceptigera» (Shining Empress)
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 5.Los set goytsa (Seven joys)
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 6.Cuncti simus concanentes (Let`s sing together)
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 7.Polorum Regina (Queen of heaven)
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 8.Mariam, matrem virginem, attolite (Praise to Mary, Most Pure Mother of God)
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 9.Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa (Ruler of the City of Heaven)
XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 10.Ad mortem festinamus (We hurry towards death)

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