Pictures at an Exhibition, cycle of pieces for piano (selected pieces of the cycle), MM 59 (Mussorgsky)

Modest Mussorgsky (1839–1881)

Pictures at an Exhibition, cycle of pieces for piano (selected pieces of the cycle), MM 59


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Cattle. - Ballet of unhatched chicks.

`Bogatyr Gate. In the capital city in Kiev` from the cycle of piano pieces by Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky `Pictures from the exhibition`.

`Hut of the Baba Yaga and the Great Gate of Kiev` from ``Pictures at an Exhibition``. Recorded in concert at Luna Park, Los Angeles (California), USA, October 29, 1999.

`Pictures from the exhibition`: 1. `Walk`. 2. `Old Castle`. 3. `Cattle`. 4. `Bogatyr Gate`. Obr. for the Y. Dubravin choir. 2008

`Tuileries Garden` (`Children`s quarrel after the game`) (No. 6) from the cycle `Pictures from the exhibition`

Baba Yaga & The Bogatyr Gates.

The Old Castle.


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