12-13 centuries. Ecole de Notre-Dame de Paris,  (Anonymous)


12-13 centuries. Ecole de Notre-Dame de Paris


The expression school of Notre-Dame designates a style of music, part of Ars antiqua, developed by composers who practiced at Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris between approximately 1160 and 1250. But...Read more
The expression school of Notre-Dame designates a style of music, part of Ars antiqua, developed by composers who practiced at Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris between approximately 1160 and 1250. But more than a geographical connotation, the expression refers to the characteristics of the compositions: in addition to the use of rhythmic and melodic modes (the eight church tones) in use, we especially note the appearance, followed by an important development, of polyphonic musical forms such as the conductus (the conduit), the flowery organum and finally the motet.


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Benedicamus domino (organum a 3)
Composers of the Notre Dame School (1170-1240).

Deus misertus (directus a 4)
Composers of the Notre Dame School (1170-1240).

Composers of the Notre Dame School (1170-1240).

Descendit de celis (organum a 3)

Mundus vergens (conductus a 4)

Composers of the Notre Dame school (1170-1240).

Veri floris sub figura (conductus a 3)

Naturas Deus regulis (conductus a 3)

O Maria virginei (conductus a 3)

Je vueil vivre au plaisir d’amours
ANDREW TUSA - tenor, DONALD GREIG - baritone. Recorded in Boxgrove Priory, Chichester, on 11–13 December 1991.

Ave Maris Stella
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

Salva nos, stella Maris
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

Gaudeat devotio fidelium
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

O summi regis Mater inclita
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

Salve Mater, fons ortorum
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

Haec dies quam fecit Dominus
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

Veri solis presentia
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

Dum medium silentium
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

Sol sub nube latuit

ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

Ave Maria, fons leticie
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

Stella serena
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.

Benedicamus Domino
ENSEMBLE GILLES BINCHOIS, DOMINIQUE VELLARD (conductor). Recorded at Saint-Martin collegiale church, Champeaux (France), August 1986.



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