Operetta `Eine Nacht in Venedig` (1883), op.deest (Strauss)

Johann Jr. Strauss (1825–1899)

Operetta `Eine Nacht in Venedig` (1883), op.deest

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Recorded in 1954. Elisabeth Schwarzkopf – Annina, Nicolai Gedda – Duke, Emmy Loose – Ciboletta, Erich Kunz – Caramello.

1960 - `Ach, wie so herrlich zu schau`n`

Recorded 1967 by the Graunke Symphony Orchestra. Guido - NICOLAI GEDDA, Bartolomeo Delacqua - CHRISTIAN OPPELBERG, Stefano Barbaruccio - FRANZ WEISS, Giorgio Testaccio - THEO NICOLAI, Barbara - MARJORIE HEISTERMANN, Agricola - GISELA LITZ, Constantia - ANNELIESE ROTHENBERGER, Annina - RITA STREICH, Caramello - CESARE CURZI, Pappacoda - HANS GUNTHER GRIMM, Ciboletta - CHRISTINE GORNER, Enrico Piselli - HERMANN PREY, Centurio - KARL KREILE.

January 22, 1938. Berlin, Imperial Radio Choir and Orchestra. Dir. Heinrich Steiner. Karl Schmidt-Walter (Guido, Duke of Urbino), Marcel Wittrisch (Caramello), Otto Sauter-Sarto (Senator Bartolomeo Delaqua), Karl-Heinz Carell (Senator Stefano Barbaruccio), Richard Senius (Giorgio Testaccio), Louise Tiersch (Barbara, Delaqua`s wife), Margareta Arndt-Ober (Agricola), Karla Pletter (Annina, the fisherwoman), Erich Zimmermann (Pappacoda, the pasta maker), Rosl Seegers (Ciboletta), Paul Preigel (the



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