Parts of Compositions,  (Wagner)

Richard Wagner (1813–1883)

Parts of Compositions


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Duisburger Philharmoniker Orchestra, 2009.

Tagesgrauen und Sigfrieds Rheinfahrt (arr. Glenn Gould)


3 fragments from the 3rd act. Gurnemanz - A.Kipnis, Parsifal - Fritz Wolf. The Bayreuth Festival Orchestra. Conductor Siegfried Wagner. 1927.

`The Ring Without Words` - smphonic suite of instrumental fragments from the 4 operas of the tetralogy `The Ring of the Nibelung` (compilation by Lorin Maazel) Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra


`The Sacrifice of Brunhilde` from the third act of the opera `The Death of the Gods`. Recording of 1927

`Siegfried`s Journey along the Rhine` from the opera `The Death of the Gods`. Recording - August 26, 1966, London.

`The Death of Siegfried` from the opera `The Death of the Gods`. Recording - August 26, 1966, London.

`Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla` from the opera `The Gold of the Rhine`. Recording - August 26, 1966, London.

`Forest Murmurs` from the opera `Siegfried`. Recording - August 26, 1966, London.

Salve d`amor, recinto eletto! (Act II). New Philharmonia Orchestra, conductor Anton Guadagno.

O! Vergin santa, deh! mi ascolta! (Act III). New Philharmonia Orchestra, conductor Anton Guadagno.

Philadelphia Orchestra, Prelude, The Good Friday Spell, Act 3


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