Opera `Tristan und Isolde` (overtures, arias, fragments), WWV  90 (Wagner)

Richard Wagner (1813–1883)

Opera `Tristan und Isolde` (overtures, arias, fragments), WWV 90


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Tristan und Isolde, Act 2. Renee Fleming, Violeta Urmana - Isolde, Mihoko Fujimura - Brangäne, John Treleaven - Tristan, Rene Pape - Marke, Peter Brechbühler - Kurwenal, Ralf Lukas - Melot. Lucerne Festival Orchestra, Claudio Abbado - conductor. Kultur-und Kongresszentrum, Luzern, 13 August 2004.

March 2002 - Prelude und Liebestod

Prelude und Liebestod

Act 2: `O sink` hernieder, Nacht der Liebe`. Set Svanholm - tenor, Constance Shacklock - contralto. Recorded: June 5, 1949, London.

26 June 1980 - Prelude and Liebestod - Grosser Saal, Musikverein, Wien

9/20 May 1967 - Prelude and Liebestod - Orchestral version

`Tristan und Isolde`, Prelude To Act 1

Liebestod (Tristan & Isolde) / RAI Orchestra, Turin / Arturo Basile / Recorded November 1949 in Turin

Fragments of the opera `Tristan and Isolde`.


1927 - Prelude to Act 1

1920 - Excerpt: Act 3 Prelude to `Doch, was ich sah....` - with Walter Widdop (Tristan), Howard Fry (Kurvenal), Kennedy McKenna (Shepherd)

1920s - Excerpt 1: From `Ist du nun tod?` to end of Scene 2 with London Symphony Orchestra/Albert Coates - Excerpt 2: Act 3 Scene 3 to beginning of Liebstod with Berlin State Opera/Leo Blech - Excerpt 3: Act 3 Scene 3 Liebestod with Lawrence Collingwood - Gota Ljudberg (Isolde), Walter Widdop (Tristan), Ivar Andresen (Marke), Genia Guszalewicz (Brangaene), E. Noe (Melot), Kennedy McKenna (Shepherd)

Was traeumte mir von Tristans Ehre? - In ENGLISH, translated by Fl. Easton. Isolde - Fl. Easton, Tristan - Arthur Carron. Dir. Georges Sebastian. 1942.

O sink` hernieder Nacht der Liebe. - In ENGLISH, translated by Fl. Easton. Isolde - Fl. Easton, Tristan - Arthur Carron. Dir. Georges Sebastian. 1942.

Mild und leise... (Death of Isolde). - In ENGLISH, translated by Fl. Easton. Dir. Georges Sebastian. 1942.

Tristan und Isolde: `Liebestod`. Royal Festival Hall, London, 14 October 1953.

`Tristan and Isolde`, opera: Prelude. Death of Isolde. Recorded live in 1954.

Vorspiel und Schlussszene. Concert Albert Hall, 22 May 1950.

`Tristan and Isolde`, opera: Prelude. Death of Isolde. Recorded live in Berlin, 11.08.1942.

1930 - Prelude and Liebestod

Fragments of the performance of the Vienna State Opera on January 2, 1943 (140 min.). Dir.V.Furtwengler. A.Konecny (Isolde), M.Lorenz (Tristan), M.Klose (Brangwena). Herbert ALSEN (King Mark), Paul SCHEFFLER (Kurvenal), Georg Monti (Melot), Karl Ettl (navigator), Willy Fran (young sailor), Herman Gallos (shepherd).

`Love Music from Acts II and III` (Tristan and Isolde). Recorded in Walthamstow Town Hall, London (England), September 1985.


1. Prelude (00-00), 2. Liebestod (09-13).

Live Broadcast - 23 March 1960 - Liebestod

Isolde`s Liebestod. The Last Recording. Recorded: October 20, 1989.

Prelude & Mort d`Isolde. Recorded: February 8, 1980, Paris.

Vorspiel. Recorded: November 8, 1979, Munich.

`Tristan and Isolde`, opera: Prelude. Death of Isolde. 1984.

Tristan und Isolde – Prelude and Liebestod. Recorded: IX & X 1974.

Tristan und Isolde – 1) Prelude; 2) Liebestod. Recorded: I. & II.1957.

Overture. 1987.

Love Death. Recorded: June 28, 1956, Dresden.

Overture // 1960

Prelude et mort d`Isolde 24 mars 1963

November 1962 - Prelude und Liebestod

1963 - Prelude and Liebestod

Tristan und Isolde - `Mild und leise`, Orchestra conducted by Frieder Weissman, recording 1930.


`Tristan and Isolde`: Doch nun von Tristan (1 act). Isolde - F.Leider, Brangwena-Elfrida Marherr. Conductor L. Blech. 1929.

`Tristan and Isolde`. 3 fragments from act 2: 1)Isolde! Gelibter! 2) O sink hernieder 3) Soll ich lauschen. Isolde - F.Leider, Tristan - L.Melchior. Conductor A.Coates. 1929.

Liebestod (Death of Isolde, in French. language) record of 1929.

Liebestod record of 1937.

Act III: Isoldes Liebestod: Mild und leise. Recorded: March 1962, London.

`Tristan and Isolde`: Complaints of King Mark J. von Manoward. 1940.

O Koenig, das kann ich dir nict sagen. Tristan - J.McCormack. New York, March 10, 1930. Dir. Nathaniel Shilkret.


25 November 1957 - Excerpt: Prelude und Liebestod



`Tristan and Isolde` - Mild Und Leise, `Liebestod`.

`Liebestod`. 1987.

Tristan und Isolde. Act III. Liebestod (`Mild und leise...`)

`O sink` hernieder, Nacht der Liebe`. With Helen Traubel and Hertha Glaz. 1947.

Prelude and Liebestod. 2 September 2008, Royal Albert Hall, London.

Date Unknown - Liebestod - Vinyl transfer

Live - 25 March 1951 - Excerpt: Prelude und Liebestod

Prelude to Act I from `Tristan and Isolde`. Royal Albert Hall, London, 6 September.

Isolde`s Liebestod from `Tristan and Isolde`. Royal Albert Hall, London, 6 September 1963.

Tristan und Isolde - Prelude, Act I. Recorded 1961.

`Prelude - Liebestod`. Recorded at Syria Mosque, Pittsburgh, USA, 1952.

arranged by Leopold Stokowski

`Mild und leise wie er lächelt` (Isoldes Liebestod).


Act I: Prelude. Recorded: December 7, 1988, Munich (live).

Isoldes Liebestod. Recorded: December 7, 1988, Munich (live).

Prelude, Liebestod. Recorded: April 9-11, 1953, Prague.


Vorspiel und Liebestod 1952.

`Mild und leise wie er lä

Rec. in 2012.

Prelude and love of death recorded on 11.10.1926

Death of Isolde. February 1925.

Isolde`s Liebestod.



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