26 Walisische Lieder: ¹19 `The Vale of Clwyd`, WoO 155/19 (Beethoven)

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770–1827)

26 Walisische Lieder: ¹19 `The Vale of Clwyd`, WoO 155/19

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Recorded: February 2019, Vienna. 1st version, Hess 191.

Recorded: June 2001, Temple St. Pierre, Paris.

Recorded: August 2008, Köln.

Recorded: July 1994, Germany.

Recording: Bauer-Studios Ludwigsburg, 8-15 February 2007.

Recorded: August 2013, Seattle, USA.

Recorded in New York City, February 7, 9, and 27, and March 27 & 30, 1979.

1996, London.



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