15th century. Cyprus (Turin) manuscript,  (Anonymous)


15th century. Cyprus (Turin) manuscript


The Cyprus (Turin) manuscript is a French Cypriot manuscript, a large collection (334 works) of Christian simple chants, as well as sacred and secular polyphonic vocal music, copied around...Read more
The Cyprus (Turin) manuscript is a French Cypriot manuscript, a large collection (334 works) of Christian simple chants, as well as sacred and secular polyphonic vocal music, copied around 1410-1420.
Stored in the library of the National University of Turin.
Its exact place of origin is unknown, but was probably copied at the court of Janus, King of Cyprus and Armenia, in Nicosia.
The contents of the manuscript are divided into five sections, separated from each other by one or more blank pages.
The first three contain liturgical chant (fol. 1r-28r), polyphonic mass movements in Latin and French (fol. 29r-57r), as well as motets (fol. 59r-97r).
The last two sections are secular songs in French in the standard poetic forms of the period: ballads (fol. 98r–139v) and vireles and rondos (fol. 143r–158v).

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Vo gent atrait me fait vostre servant, rondo
vocal - Els JANSSENS, lute - Michal GONDKO

Pour haut et liement chanter, ballade
vocal - Els JANSSENS, lute - Michal GONDKO, douçaine - Dani PELAGATTI, vielle - Uri SMILANSKY

Tres gente, pure et nete fleur de lis, ballade
vocal - Els JANSSENS, lute - Michal GONDKO, douçaine - Dani PELAGATTI, vielle - Uri SMILANSKY

Tousjours servir je veuil la douce fleur, rondo
vocal - Els JANSSENS, flute - Corina MARTI, lute - Michal GONDKO, douçaine - Dani PELAGATTI, vielle - Uri SMILANSKY

J`ai maintes fois oŸ conter, ballade
vocal - Els JANSSENS, flute - Corina MARTI, lute - Michal GONDKO, douçaine - Dani PELAGATTI, vielle - Uri SMILANSKY

Qui de Fortune atende asses avoir, ballade
vocal - Els JANSSENS, flute - Corina MARTI, lute - Michal GONDKO, vielle - Uri SMILANSKY

Sur toute fleur la rose est colourie, ballade
vocal - Els JANSSENS, lute - Michal GONDKO, douçaine - Dani PELAGATTI, vielle - Uri SMILANSKY

Ayes pitie de vostre creature, virelai
flute - Corina MARTI, douçaine - Dani PELAGATTI

Amour, de qui je sui trestout espris, ballade
flute - Corina MARTI, lute - Michal GONDKO, douçaine - Dani PELAGATTI, vielle - Uri SMILANSKY

Il faut, pour trover un bon port, rondo
lute - Michal GONDKO, douçaine - Dani PELAGATTI, vielle - Uri SMILANSKY

Amour tient en sa ballie mon cuer, rondo
lute - Michal GONDKO, douçaine - Dani PELAGATTI, vielle - Uri SMILANSKY

Puisque ame sui doulcement, ballade
flute - Corina MARTI, douçaine - Dani PELAGATTI, vielle - Uri SMILANSKY

Áàëëàäà `Je prens plaisir en une dame`
Katelijne Van Laethem, Marie-Claude Vallin, Marius Van Altena, Harry Van Berne, Otto Rastbichler, Willem Ceuleers, Harry Van der Kamp, An Van Laethem (fiddle), René Van Laken (fiddle, rebec), Bart Coen (recorders), Peter de Clercq (bass recorder), Harry Ries (sackbuts), Joost Swinkels (tenor sackbut) / 1993

Ìîòåò Sanctus in eternis / Sanctus et ingenitus
Katelijne Van Laethem, Marie-Claude Vallin, Marius Van Altena, Harry Van Berne, Otto Rastbichler, Willem Ceuleers, Harry Van der Kamp, An Van Laethem (fiddle), René Van Laken (fiddle, rebec), Bart Coen (recorders), Peter de Clercq (bass recorder), Harry Ries (sackbuts), Joost Swinkels (tenor sackbut) / 1993

Áàëëàäà `Si doulchement mon ceur je sens souspris`
Katelijne Van Laethem, Marie-Claude Vallin, Marius Van Altena, Harry Van Berne, Otto Rastbichler, Willem Ceuleers, Harry Van der Kamp, An Van Laethem (fiddle), René Van Laken (fiddle, rebec), Bart Coen (recorders), Peter de Clercq (bass recorder), Harry Ries (sackbuts), Joost Swinkels (tenor sackbut) / 1993

Âèðåëå Je sui trestout d`amour raimpli
Katelijne Van Laethem, Marie-Claude Vallin, Marius Van Altena, Harry Van Berne, Otto Rastbichler, Willem Ceuleers, Harry Van der Kamp, An Van Laethem (fiddle), René Van Laken (fiddle, rebec), Bart Coen (recorders), Peter de Clercq (bass recorder), Harry Ries (sackbuts), Joost Swinkels (tenor sackbut) / 1993

Âèðåëå Je prens da`mour noriture
Katelijne Van Laethem, Marie-Claude Vallin, Marius Van Altena, Harry Van Berne, Otto Rastbichler, Willem Ceuleers, Harry Van der Kamp, An Van Laethem (fiddle), René Van Laken (fiddle, rebec), Bart Coen (recorders), Peter de Clercq (bass recorder), Harry Ries (sackbuts), Joost Swinkels (tenor sackbut) / 1993

Ìîòåò Personet armonia dulcis cantus melodia / Consonet altisonis laudes
Katelijne Van Laethem, Marie-Claude Vallin, Marius Van Altena, Harry Van Berne, Otto Rastbichler, Willem Ceuleers, Harry Van der Kamp, An Van Laethem (fiddle), René Van Laken (fiddle, rebec), Bart Coen (recorders), Peter de Clercq (bass recorder), Harry Ries (sackbuts), Joost Swinkels (tenor sackbut) / 1993

Gloria a 4
Katelijne Van Laethem, Marie-Claude Vallin, Marius Van Altena, Harry Van Berne, Otto Rastbichler, Willem Ceuleers, Harry Van der Kamp, An Van Laethem (fiddle), René Van Laken (fiddle, rebec), Bart Coen (recorders), Peter de Clercq (bass recorder), Harry Ries (sackbuts), Joost Swinkels (tenor sackbut) / 1993

Ìîòåò Certes mout fu / Nous devons tresfort amer
Katelijne Van Laethem, Marie-Claude Vallin, Marius Van Altena, Harry Van Berne, Otto Rastbichler, Willem Ceuleers, Harry Van der Kamp, An Van Laethem (fiddle), René Van Laken (fiddle, rebec), Bart Coen (recorders), Peter de Clercq (bass recorder), Harry Ries (sackbuts), Joost Swinkels (tenor sackbut) / 1993

Credo a 4
Katelijne Van Laethem, Marie-Claude Vallin, Marius Van Altena, Harry Van Berne, Otto Rastbichler, Willem Ceuleers, Harry Van der Kamp, An Van Laethem (fiddle), René Van Laken (fiddle, rebec), Bart Coen (recorders), Peter de Clercq (bass recorder), Harry Ries (sackbuts), Joost Swinkels (tenor sackbut) / 1993



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