Triumph of Peace, Cantata (1715),  (Torri)

Pietro Torri (1650–1737)

Triumph of Peace, Cantata (1715)


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
La Félicité - Ulrike Hofbauer (soprano) / La Paix - Siri Thornhill (soprano) / La Victoire - Robert Crowe (male soprano) / La Haine - Matthias Lucht (contratenor) / Alexander Schneider (contratenor) / Apollon - Jörg Lindemann (tenor) / La Discorde - Christian Sturm (tenor) / Dominik Wörner (bass) / Willy Schwinghammer (bass) / Neue Hofkapelle München / Christoph Hammer (cond.) / 2004


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