Opera `Oberon` (1825-26), J.306 (Weber)

Carl Maria von Weber (1786–1826)

Opera `Oberon` (1825-26), J.306

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Oberon, King of the elves - Steve Davislim Puk, spirit, Oberon`s assistant - Frances Bourne Rezia, daughter of the Caliph - Hillevi Martinpelto Fatima, her confidante - Marina Comparato Guon de Bordeaux, Duke of Gieni - Jonas Kaufmann Sherasmin, his squire - William Dazeley Narrator - Roger Allam The Monteverdi Choir Orchestra Ré

Oberon - Mirto Picchi, Puck - Fernanda Cadoni, Reiza - Anita Cerquetti, Huon - Petre Munteanu, Sherasmin - Piero De Palma, Fatima - Miriam Pirazzini. Recording - October 24, 1957, Milan.


Oberon - Jon Fredric West; Puck - Shirley Love; Rezia - Betty Jones; Fatime - Julia Hamari; Huon von Bordeaux - Nicolai Gedda; Scherasmin - Richard Clarck; Meermaedchen - Carmen Balthrop. The Dessoff Choir. February 23, 1978, New York.



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