`Des canyons aux étoiles...`, suite for piano and orchestra in 12 parts (1971-1974),  (Messiaen)

Olivier Messiaen (1908–1992)

`Des canyons aux étoiles...`, suite for piano and orchestra in 12 parts (1971-1974)

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From the Canyons to the Stars...
Duration: ~100 minutes
Premiere: 20 November 1974, Alice Tully Hall, New York (Yvonne Loriod, piano; Musica Aeterna; Frederic Waldman, conductor)

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From the Canyons to the Stars...
Duration: ~100 minutes
Premiere: 20 November 1974, Alice Tully Hall, New York (Yvonne Loriod, piano; Musica Aeterna; Frederic Waldman, conductor)

1. Le désert [The desert]
2. Les orioles [The orioles]
3. Ce qui est écrit sur les étoiles [What is written in the stars]
4. Le cossyphe d`Heuglin [The white-browed robin]
5. Cedar Breaks et le don de crainte [Cedar Breaks and the gift of awe]
6. Appel interstellaire [Interstellar call]
7. Bryce Canyon et les rochers rouge-orange [Bryce Canyon and the orange-red rocks]
8. Les ressucités et le chant de l`étoile Aldebaran [The resurrected and the song of the star Aldebaran]
9. Le moquer polyglotte [The mockingbird]
10. La grive des bois [The wood thrush]
11. Omao, leiothrix, elapaio, shama [Hawaiian Thrush, Pekin Nightingale, Hawaiian monarch flycatcher, magpie-robin]
12. Zion Park et la cité céleste [Zion Park and the celestial city]

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Roger Muraro, Jean-Jacques Justafre, Francis Petit, Renaud Muzzolini. 2001.



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