Sonata II for Flute and Basso Continuo in Es-dur, BWV 1031 (Bach)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)

Sonata II for Flute and Basso Continuo in Es-dur, BWV 1031

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1. Allegro moderato
2. Siciliano
3. Allegro

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piano obligato Daniel Blumenthal, 1998


Aude VANACKERE - cello.

Recording: New Jersey, Keith Jarrett’s Cavelight Studio, February 28/29 & March 1, 1992.




Recorded - April 1993, London

Recorded in Jesus-Christus-Kirche, Berlin, 16-19 December 2011.

2008, Berlin, Teldex Studio

February 1954, Paris.


2007, Warehouse, London

1983, Bamberg, Zentralsaal

Recorded at the Jerusalem Music Centre, 1988.



Recorded in March 1990 by Skywalker Sound of Marin County, California.

CD 2018

Recorded: April 24-26, 1993, Hervormde Kerk, Vreeland, Holland.

Recorded: September 3-6, 1973, Paris.

Susanne Kaiser - harpsichord. Recorded: February 5-7, 1999, Oranienburg.

Recorded: January 22-25, 1962, Paris.

recorded in 2019 at the Garrison Church (Garnisons Kirke) Copenhagen

Recorded: June 1967, Eindhoven, Holland.

recorded in 2009 in Germany


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