User: Ale_ra

About user Ale_ra (offline )

Concert on November 19, 2014 dedicated to the composer`s last anniversary.

In memory of Koti Mgebrov (a young actor who performed revolutionary poems, tragically died in 1922)

Concert on November 19, 2014, dedicated to the composer`s last anniversary. A. Glazunov Hall of the St. Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory

Concert on November 19, 2014, dedicated to the composer`s last anniversary. A. Glazunov Hall of the St. Petersburg Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory


`Song of Sirina` (No.2)

`The Song of Alkonost` (No. 4)

Fragment of the `Song of Alkonost` (No. 4):

Fragment from the `Song of Alkonost` (No. 4):

Fragment from the `Song of Alkonost` (No. 4):


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