User: paraklit

About user paraklit (offline )

Recording from the concert in memory of Eduard Markovich on May 15, 2017 in Krasnoyarsk DMSH No. 1

Record from the concert of the memory of Eduard Markaich in the Small Hall of the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts on May 8, 2017.

1. Falling Leaves... and in a birch grove... Recital 11 June 2013. Krasnoyarsk House of Art. Video Processing - Mikhail Kulachenko.

2. Will live there until the fall, stupid, black bird... Recital 11 June 2013. Krasnoyarsk House of Art. Video Processing - Mikhail Kulachenko.

Recital 11 June 2013. Krasnoyarsk House of Art. Video Processing - Mikhail Kulachenko.

Live recording from the concert «Krasnoyarsk premieres» within the creative Plenum of the Krasnoyarsk regional organization of the Union of Composers of Russia, October 24, 2013. Small Hall of the Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Music and Theatre. Video recording: Andrey Tarasov.


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