User: Opus147

About user Opus147 (offline )


Theme:«Четыре времени года», вокальный цикл на японские трёхстишия - хокку,слова К. Иссы, перевод В. Марковой.
(18.10.2012 19:44)
This title, `Four Seasons`, and the file labeled `Russian Seasons`,
both in the Boris Arapov folder, are the same work, and, as far as I
can hear, the same recording.
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Theme:Соната для фортепиано № 1
(18.10.2012 18:52)
When downloaded, the file is labeled Piano Sonata number 2, yet it is
listed as Piano Sonata number 1. Can you please clarify?

I found a cross reference that verifies that the three files included
here are in fact the three movements of Arapov`s First Piano Sonata.
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Theme:Symphony No.6
(16.10.2012 23:22)
In the late 1980s and early 1990s DELOS released a selection of the
eleven symphonies of David Diamond, landmark recordings that were
rereleased on NAXOS around 2003 and 2004. I don`t think Diamond`s 6th
Symphony was included in the series. But here it is, evidently from a
live transcription disc, in a lively interpretation by none other than
the great Charles Munch. Thank you so much for uploading this.

I would like to draw listeners attention to the last 40 seconds of
this recording, where one can hear, amid the applause, the distinct
sound of persistent and passionate booing on the part of the audience.
Indeed, the music does thrash around rather violently in the finale;
and evidently the style offended a good many ears of those in

I found this portion of the recording most interesting, as a
historical record of musical attitudes of the times, here in 1951, and
as an event in the concert hall itself. Imagine if we had a recording
of the audience ruckus that took place at the premiere of the Rite of
Spring! I wonder if the Diamond Symphony 6 would elicit the same
reaction today, 61 years after the fact!
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Theme:Scardanelli-Zyklus I. `Времена года`, трижды четыре песни для хора a cappella (1975-1978). Зима
(16.10.2012 01:09)
Thank you for this download. Instead of providing each movement as a
separate file (for which we must wait 4 minutes between each file
download), I wish you`d provided all movements in one file. It would
save much time. Thanks.
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Theme:Симфония №10 ми минор
(18.08.2012 19:30)
Thank you so much for this upload of the Svetlanov performance of the
Shostakovich 10th. It is the most important recording of a
Shostakovich symphony that has not yet been brought to CD. The sound
may not be exactly digital quality, but it is most gratifying to hear.
Regrettably Svetanov recorded only three of the 15 -- 5, 7, and 10.
Thus, your upload makes a highly noteworthy contribution to the site.
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Theme:`Отражения`, Симфонический этюд из цикла `Приношение Учителю` (К 100-летию Д.Д.Шостаковича)
(25.07.2012 01:00)
How well do you know your Shostakovich? Here`s the ultimate test and a
lively tribute to the master: a symphonic compilation entitled
`Reflections` that quotes and cross references about a dozen or so
Shostakovich scores. The listener may marvel at how Vyacheslav
Nagovitsin, the composer, manages to interweave the quotes so
skillfully and seamlessly. It`s a fun ride. Can you identify each of
the quotes as they appear?
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Theme:Симфония № 8 (1985)
(16.07.2012 00:14)
Symphony 8 for strings, trumpet and bell, 1985. This features Saulius
Sondeckis conducting the Lithuanian CO and is taken from C10-24919, a
disc that also includes Slonimsky`s Violin Concerto and Monody for
solo violin.
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Theme:Симфония №21. Из `Фауста` Гёте (2009)
(15.07.2012 22:01)
This may be a recording of the premiere of Slonimsky`s 21st Symphony,
which took place in the Mariinsky Theater on 17 January 2010 during
the `New Horizons` festival under the baton of Valery Gergiev.

The composer says about his 21st Symphony: `... to me it seems that
the essence of the symphony is enclosed in the idea that it is a
musical diary, without words, about our time and about our very
dreadful era.`
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Theme:Концерт-Буфф для камерного оркестрa (1966)
(15.07.2012 21:45)
I believe this work is also known as Concerto Buffo for flute,
trumpet, percussion and strings.

If so, it is from LP Melodiya D 021387-8 with E. Serov leading the
Leningrad Phil CO, a disc that also contains works by Telemann and
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Theme:Discussions about musical compositions
(05.06.2012 09:10)
Opus147 wrote:
It is a genuine treat to hear this
version of Kursk Songs arranged for piano and percussion. One of
Sviridov`s masterpieces, I have come to love both this and the
familiar orchestral version.
P.S. I find it odd that the
arrangement of numbers in this piano version of the Kursk Songs is
different from the order found in the full orchestral version, as
represented by the Yurlov version posted here and by the more widely
circulated Kondrashin version. I would hazard a guess that the order
Sviridov chose for the orchestral score came later, as I believe it to
be a better choice, leading to a greater sense of continuity. Anyone
have further information about these two versions? (the music
contained within is otherwise identical) Either way, Kursk Songs
contains some of the most evocative lyricism to flow from Sviridov`s
exquisitely inspired pen.
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Theme:Поэма памяти Сергея Есенина для тенора, смешанного хора и большого симфонического оркестра в 10 частях, слова С.А. Есенина (1955-1956)
(04.06.2012 10:35)
Indispensable Sviridov. Poem in Memory of Sergei Esenin is one of the
great choral works of Russian music, it should be much much better
known. How glorious that we have multiple performances here to compare
and enjoy.
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Theme:«Привет, Россия!» для голоса, смешанного хора и симфонического оркестра на слова Николая Рубцова (1990)
(04.06.2012 10:27)
I was incredibly moved by this private recording of the composer
himself playing and singing his song, Hello Russia. In addition to a
genuine from-the-source authenticity, one hears a personal passion and
longing melancholy that could only have come from the composer
himself. If there is any recording that captures the very soul of this
remarkable composer, this is it. If you are a devotee of Sviridov`s
music, this performances will leave an unforgettable impression.
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Theme:Discussions about musical compositions
(04.06.2012 10:11)
It is a genuine treat to hear this version of Kursk Songs arranged for
piano and percussion. One of Sviridov`s masterpieces, I have come to
love both this and the familiar orchestral version.
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