User: evc

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Recording from a concert 26.02.2008. Performed by Oganes Girunyan (violin), Stanislav Ovchinnikov (cello), Elena Popovskaya (piano).

Floria Tosca - Birgit Nilsson, Mario Cavaradossi - Franco Corelli, Il barone Scarpia - Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, Cesare Angelotti - Silvio Maionica, Il sagrestano - Alfredo Mariotti, Spoletta - Piero de Palma, Sciarrone - Dino Mantovani, Un carceriere - Dino Mantovani, Un pastore - Patrizio Veronelli. June 1966, Rome.


From an unfinished opera «The Monk» on a story by Leo Tolstoy, «Father Sergius».


Recorded live on August 20, 1976 at Moosham Castle. Open Air Festival, Austria.

Recorded live on August 20, 1976 at Moosham Castle. Open Air Festival, Austria.

Cecil Taylor Unit: Cecil Taylor (piano), Raphé Malik (trumpet), Jimmy Lyons (alto saxophone), David S. Ware (tenor saxophone), Marc Edwards (drums).

Festival `Sergey Oskolkov and his friends`, St. Petersburg center Mikhail Shemyakin, June 2, 2011.

Reconstruction by Gennady Rozhdestvensky.

Symphony Capella of Russia, conductor G. Rozhdestvensky.


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