User: alebaranov

About user alebaranov (offline )

1974. Choir and orchestra of the Bayreth Festival. Dir. Carlos Kleiber Katerina Ligendza (Isolde). Helge Briliot (Tristan). Kurt Moll (King Mark), Heinz Heldhoff (navigator). Yvonne Minton (Brangwena), Donald McIntyre (Kurvenal), Heribert Steinbach (Melot). Heinz Zednik (sailor

Nothung neidliches Schwert. Stockholm, after 1965.

Aria of Kerib (1st d). 1947. Dir. R.Glier?

The ballad of Shah Senem. The 1990s?

Aria Shah-Senem. 1937. The Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra?

Overture to the opera.

Îð. 1 ¹ 5.

The scene of the Shamakhan Queen and King Dodon. The 1930s. The Bolshoi Theatre Orchestra?

Aria of the Swan Princess. 1931

Martha`s Aria. 1931.


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