User: Andrea3

About user Andrea3 (offline )


Theme:Discussions about musical compositions
(17.03.2016 22:04)
Sorry, is a problem of special character.
... a music composed by Viotti and owned by Sieber, the same
publisher of Rouget de l`Isle (In 1792 Viotti had gone to London)
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Theme:Discussions about musical compositions
(17.03.2016 22:01)
I Complete the previous comment: ... composed by Viotti.
and owned by Si
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Theme:Discussions about musical compositions
(17.03.2016 21:58)
Of course this version of the Marseillaise is much better,
nevertheless, and unfortunately, it seems proved that Rouget recycled
a music already composed by Viotti some years before and owned by Si
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(08.12.2015 00:23)
Il pianto della Madonna presso la croce etc.: Please cut off the words
`original reduction`.

The scoring for sopr., bar. and piano is not a reduction, as I
inaccurately indicated, but is the original version
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Theme:please correct
(11.11.2014 15:58)
The correct name of the artist registered as Charles Madlem is Charles
Medlam. He is a conductor and a cellist.
Thank for the correction
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