No. 1 Svarta rosor Black Roses;
words by Ernst Josephson.
No. 2 Men min fågel märks dock icke But my bird is long in homing;
words by Johan Ludvig Runeberg.

No. 3 Bollspelet vid Trianon Tennis at Trianon;
words by Gustav Fröding.
No. 4 Säv säv susa Reeds reeds whisper;
words by Gustav Fröding.
No. 5 Marssnön The March Snow;
words by Josef Julius Wecksell.
No. 6 Demanten på marssnön The Diamond on the March Snow;
words by Josef Julius Wecksell.

6 Songs for Voice and Piano, op. 36 (Sibelius)
26/28 June 2001


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