A while back a visitor mailed me requesting information on Beethoven`s Tenth Symphony. I looked around for some info but quickly gave up since I though that this was just another urban legend. Then I came across something written in 1912 See Below that has sparked my interest and I included it for visitors to read. Since then several knowledgeable visitors have told me that Beethoven left behind sketchs of the Tenth Symphony. And even better than that a man by the name of Barry Cooper has reconstructed the symphony from these sketchs and has released a CD showcasing his efforts.

Symphony in Es-dur (¹ 10) (unfinished, reconstruction Barry Cooper on drafts), Bia.838 (Unv. 3) (Beethoven)
Recording in 1988. I. 1st Movement: Andante - Allegro - Andante (19:59) II. The Story of Beethoven`s Tenth Symphony (28:50)


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