,  (Destinn)
Emmy Destinn (soprano)

Grammophon 1908, Faust - Karl Jörn; Méphistophélès - Paul Knüpfer; Marguerite - Emmy Destinn; Valentin - Desider Zador; Siébel - Marie Götze; Marthe - Ida von Scheele-Mülle; Wagner - Arthur Neuendahn
Berlin, Chorus of the Court Opera. The orchestra of the company Gramophone. Conductor Bruno Seidler-Winkler. Emmy Destinn (Carmen – except for two small fragments in the middle of the 2nd act, where she is replaced by Ottilie Metzger), Carl Enn (Don Jose), Minnie Nast (Michaela), Hermann Bachmann (Escamillo), Felix Dan (Morales
`The Wedding of Figaro`: aria of the Countess Porgi amor (Act 2). Conductor Friedrich Kark. Berlin, 1906.
`Queen of Spades`: Pastoral Oh viens, mon doux berger (`My sweet shepherd boy`). Chloe - E. Destinn, Daphnis - Marie Duchene. April 23, 1915.
3 fragments from `Aida`: 1. Radames` aria Celesta Aida (Act 1). April 15, 1912
`The Flying Dutchman`: Senta`s ballad from Act 2 of Joho, hoe. Traft ihr das Sciff. Conductor Friedrich Kark. Berlin, 1906.
`Carmen`: Les tringles des sistres tintaient (gypsy song) from act 2. Berlin, spring 1908. Conductor Friedrich Kark. - In German.
`Troubadour`: Miserere (Act 4). Leonora - E. Destinn, Manrico - Giovanni Zenatello
`Faust`: Il etait un roi de Thule (act 3). In German yaz. Margarita - Emmy Destinn. Conductor August Pilz. Berlin, autumn 1908. - On classic-online there is a complete recording of the opera in German with E. Destinn (1908, dir. B.Seidler-Winkler)
`Pagliacci`: Stridono lassu (Act 1). Nedda - E. Destinn. Conductor B. Seidler-Winkler. Berlin, March-April 1908.
`Madame Butterfly`: Un bel di vedremo (Act 2). Berlin, autumn 1908. Conductor August Pilz.
¹ 2. Zalo dievca, zalo travu. Recorded on February 3, 1921. Camden, New York. - On this day, the last three recordings of Destinn were made.
`The Huguenots`: Tu l`as dit: oui, tu m`amais (act 4). Raoul - Karl Verne, Valentina - Emmy Destinn. In German, yaz. Dir. B. Seidler-Winkler. Berlin, March-April 1908.
`Masquerade Ball`: Amelia`s aria Morro ma prima in grazia (Act 3). February 3, 1921, Camden, New York. - One of the last three recordings Destinn made on the same day.
`Roland from Berlin`: Elsbeth`s aria from Act 3 Hennig darf ein Patrizierkind. February 1905. The author is at the piano.
Gepriesen sei dei Stunde (from 2 d.) Elizabeth - E. Destinn, Tannhauser - K.Jorn. Berlin, March-April 1908.
`Kiss`: Aria Vendulki A ted, me robe... Hajej muj andilku (Act 1). February 3, 1921. Camden, N.Y. - one of Destinn`s last three entries.
Recorded April 7, 1916. Samden, New York.
Ej hory, hory (in mod. Indrzhiha). Recorded November 26, 1919, Camden, New York.
Words of Wenig. November 26, 1919. Camden, New York.


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