,  (Deutekom)
Cristina Deutekom (soprano)

`Lucia Lammermoor`: The 2nd half of the 1st act (Lucia and Alice, then Lucia and Edgar). Chorus and Orchestra of the Dallas Opera Association. Conductor N. Reshino. Lucia - K.Deutekom, Edgar - A.Kraus, Alice - (?). Dallas, 1972 (live)
`Don Carlos`: Tu che la vanita (the beginning of the last scene: Elizabeth is waiting for Carlos at the tomb of Charles V). 1969
Arena di Verona, July 29,1976. Lord Enrico Ashron - Renato Bruson, Miss Lucia - Cristina Deutekom, Sir Edgardo di Ravenswood - Luciano Pavarotti, Lord Arturo Bucklaw - Oslavio di Medico, Raimondo Bidebent - Mario Rinaudo, Alisa - Scilly Fortunato, Normanno - GianPaolo Corradi.
`Linda of Chamouni`: O luce di quest`anima. The RAI Rome Symphony Orchestra. Conductor Carlo Franchi. 1969
`Attila`: Liberamente or piangi afrenati... Oh! nel fuggente nuvolo. (Beginning of Act 1: Odabella in the forest, after visiting Attila`s camp, mourns her lover, whom she considers dead). The Orchestra of the Monte Carlo Opera. 1970
Manrico - Juan Lloveras; Azucena - Carolyn James; Leonora - Cristina Deutekom; Conte di Luna - Jan Derksen; Ferrando - Tom Haenen; Ines - Renée van Harlem; Ruiz - Adriaan van Limpt; Un vecchio zingaro - Ivan Thomas. Recorded: October 1976, Amsterdam.
`Puritans`: Son vergin vezzosa. With Sona Ardontz (soprano), William McKinney (tenor) and Alessandro Maddalena (bass bar.). Chorus and Orchestra of the Monte Carlo Opera. 1970
`The Battle of Legnano`: Voi lo diceste, amiche... Quante volte come un dono... A frenarti, o cor. With Sona Ardontz and Alessandro Maddalena. The Orchestra of the Monte Carlo Opera. 1970
`Lombards in the First Crusade`: O madre, dal cielo soccorri... Se vano e il pregare. With Sona Ardontz, Guido Fabbri (tenor) and Alessandro Maddalena (bass-baritone). Chorus and orchestra of the Monte Carlo Opera. 1970
`Armida`: T`arresta infido... Se al mio crudel tormento. With Guido Fabbris and William McKinney. Chorus and orchestra of the Monte Carlo Opera. 1970


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