,  (Alexashkin)
Sergei Alexashkin (bass)

Sadko - Vladimir Galuzin, Lyubava Buslaevna - mezzo-soprano Marianna Tarasova, Ocean-More, King of the Sea - Sergei Aleksashkin, Volkhova - Valentina Tsidipova, Thomas Nazarich - Evgeny Boytsov, Luka Zinovitch - Gennady Bezzubenkov. Mariinsky Theater, 1993



Recorded: September-December 1995, St. Petersburg.

Song of the Viking Guest. 1997, London

Sobakin`s Aria: `Zabylasya… Avos polegche budet`. 1997, London

Salieri`s monologue: `Vsye govoryat, net pravdy na zemle`. 1997, London

October/November 2005


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