,  (Mussorgsky)
Modest Mussorgsky (1839–1881)

Recording from a concert in the Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory on February 9, 2003
Edited by P. Lamm. Boris Godunov - Anatoly Kotcherga, Fedor - Liliana Nichiteanu, Ksenia - Valentina Valente, Mamka - Eugenia Gorokhovskaya, Shuisky - Philip Langridge, Shchelkalov - Albert Shagidullin, Pimen - Samuel Ramey, Grigory - Sergei Larin, Marina Mnishek - Marjana Lipovsek, Rangoni - Sergei Leiferkus, Varlaam – Gleb Nikolsky, Misail – Helmut Wildhaber, Tavern Mistress – Elena Zaremba, Holy Fool – Alexander Fedin. Berliner Philharmoniker. Claudio Abbado. Recorded 1993
Orchestration by D. Shostakovich. Finale - I. Stravinsky. Ivan Khovansky - Aage Haugland
Scene of the Holy Fool (M. Mussorgsky, BORIS GODUNOV, opera). choir and orchestra of the Bolshoi Theater, conductor N. Golovanov. 1949
Scene from Act IV of the opera `Khovanshchina`. Performed by I. Bogacheva and soloists of the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater named after S. M. Kirov, accompanied by an orchestra. 1979
`Flea`. Poems by I.V. Goethe translated by A. Strugovshchikov
edition by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov - for soloists, choir and orchestra. London Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra. Recorded 1980s.
The Orchestra of the Yekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theatre, N.Ryzhkova, S.Zaliznyak, V.Petrov, A.Vylegzhanin, G.Kuklin. 1998
edition by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov - for choir and orchestra. London Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra, recording 1980
Arranged by S.Rachmaninoff. Recorded november 2008, Sydney Australia
Edited and orchestrated by Vyacheslav Nagovitsin (2003). Performers: I. Makarova, M. Dyakov, S. Suleymanov, S. Sheremet.
Where are you, little star. Poems by N. Grekov
Recorded: Studio No. 3 Abbey Road September 11, 12, 1975.
V.Khrulyov - baritone (Podkolesin) A.Podbolotov - tenor (Kochkaryov) L.Kolmakova - mezzo-soprano (Fyokla Ivanovna) V.Ribasenko - bass (Stepan) 1982.
Rayok, musical pamphlet (M. Mussorgsky) •Evgeny Nesterenko, bass
Recorded in 1993 (Melodiya studio?). Sound engineer M.I. Pakhter.
Recorded at Studio No. 3 Abbey Road September 11, 12, 1975.
`At the gates of the Batyushkin, processing of a Russian folk song.
`Orphan` Recorded: Studio No. 3 Abbey Road September 11, 12, 1975.
On mushrooms (syl. L. Mey)
`The soul flew quietly by the mountain skies` (lyrics by A. Tolstoy).
`The winds are blowing, the winds are boisterous` (lyrics by A. Koltsov)


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