12 Characteristic Pieces for organ (1888), op.156 (Rheinberger)

Josef Gabriel Rheinberger (1839–1901)

12 Characteristic Pieces for organ (1888), op.156

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Notizbuch 1
1. Praeludium in c-moll
2. Romanze in Es-dur
3. Canzonetta in As-dur
4. Intermezzo in fis-moll
5. Vision in Des-dur
6. Duett in F-dur

Notizbuch 2
7. In memoriam in a-moll
8....Read more
Notizbuch 1
1. Praeludium in c-moll
2. Romanze in Es-dur
3. Canzonetta in As-dur
4. Intermezzo in fis-moll
5. Vision in Des-dur
6. Duett in F-dur

Notizbuch 2
7. In memoriam in a-moll
8. Pastorale in G-dur
9. Klage in h-moll
10.Passacaglia in e-moll
11.Abendfriede in D-dur
12.Trauermarsch in b-moll

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book 1 // recorded in 2016 at Italy, the village of San Michele delle Badesse

recorded in 1988 in Rhein (Germany), St.-Antonius-Basilika

book 2 // written in 2016 in Italy, the village of San Michele delle Badesse



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