Ah, those black eyes/Akh, eti chernye glaza. Tango,  (Strock)

Oscar Strock (1893–1975)

Ah, those black eyes/Akh, eti chernye glaza. Tango

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Ah, these black eyes (O. Strok - A. Perfilyev). Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the orchestra of the headquarters of the Leningrad Military District, conductor Nikolai Ushchapovsky.

Yana Gray, `Ah those black Eyes` muses. Oscar`s Line to the words of Alexander Perfileyev `Black Eyes` - Oscar`s first tango Line - written in 1928. The performer of Russian and Gypsy romances, Yana Gray, recorded this retro-style tango in 2009.



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