Ya vstretil vas (lyrics by F. Tyutchev),  (Malashkin)

Leonid Malashkin (1842–1902)

Ya vstretil vas (lyrics by F. Tyutchev)

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Obr. for the Y. Dubravin choir. 2008

I met you (L.Malashkin - F.Tyutchev). Performed by Valery Agafonov.

CD 2007

I met you (L. Malashkin, arr. I. Kozlovsky - F. Tyutchev). 1953 – 1955

I met you (L. Malashkin, arr. I. Kozlovsky - F. Tyutchev), accompanied by the pop orchestra of the All-Union Radio. The guitar part is performed by A. Ivanov-Kramskoy. Recorded from 1953-1955. In this version, the full text of F. Tyutchev’s poem is heard without cuts.

The author of variations on the theme of the romance is M. Rozhkov.


I met you (L. Malashkin, arr. I. Kozlovsky - F. Tyutchev). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.



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