Early Music: The Forgotten Kingdom. The Tragedy of the Cathars,  (Anonymous)


Early Music: The Forgotten Kingdom. The Tragedy of the Cathars

The Forgotten Kingdom. The Tragedy of the Cathars. Part 1: The Origins of Catharism. East and West. 950-1099

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Pascal Bertin – kontratenor

Part 2. The Rise of Occitania. 1100-1159.
Hesperion XXI; La Capella Reial de Catalunya. Direction: Jordi Savall.

Part 1. The emergence of the Cathar movement. 950-1099.
Hesperion XXI; La Capella Reial de Catalunya. Direction: Jordi Savall.

×àñòü 4-ÿ. Ïðîòèâîñòîÿíèå. 1204-1208 ãîäû
Hesperion XXI; La Capella Reial de Catalunya.

×àñòü 3-ÿ. Ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèå êàòàðñêîãî ó÷åíèÿ. 1160-1204 ãîäû.
Hesperion XXI; La Capella Reial de Catalunya. Direction: Jordi Savall.

×àñòü 5-ÿ. Àëüáèãîéñêèé Êðåñòîâûé ïîõîä: 1209-1229 ãã.
Hesperion XXI; La Capella Reial de Catalunya. Direction: Jordi Savall.

×àñòü 6-ÿ. Èíêâèçèöèÿ: ïðåñëåäîâàíèå Êàòàðîâ. 1230-1300 ãã.
Hesperion XXI; La Capella Reial de Catalunya. Direction: Jordi Savall.

×àñòü 7-ÿ

Diasporas in Catalonia and the end of the Eastern Cathars (Diaspora vers la Catalogne et fin des Cathares orientaux), 1305 - 1463.



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