Russian military marches,  (Anonymous)


Russian military marches


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Old march `Artillery`. Performed by the military orchestra of the Mikhailovsky Military Artillery Academy. The military conductor is Major Alexey Bubnov. St. Petersburg, district House of Officers 12.03.2021

Марш на русские темы

Встречный марш Императорского Преображенского полка

Марш лейб-гвардии Преображенского полка
Entry 1907 From the set Russian military music and music dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 (Melody, 1987)

Марш Лейб-Гвардии Кавалергардского полка

Марш Ахтырского гусарского полка

Марш Кавалергардского полка
The theme from F. Boualdieu`s Op. The White Lady is used. Russian Russian Military Music and music dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 (Melody, 1987)

Марш лейб-гвардии Гусарского полка

Марш лейб-гвардии Казачьего полка
Recording of 1910 Russian Russian military music and music dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 (Melody, 1987)

Церемониальный марш (ученье Сумского гусарского полка)
Recording 1910 From the set Russian military music and music dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 (Melody, 1987)

March of the Belarusian Hussar Regiment. Recorded 1979

Марш Гродненского гусарского полка
1979 recording From the set Russian military music and music dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 (`Melody, 1987)

Марш лейб-гвардии Преображенского полка
Recording of 1969 From the set `Russian military music and music dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812` (`Melody`, 1987)

Марш `Тоска по Родине`
Brass Band of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. The march has been attributed to many composers, but the actual author is unknown.

Летучий всадник (марш)

Марш «Гренадер»
1971 recording From the set `Russian Military music and music dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812` (`Melody`, 1987)

Марш Ладожского пехотного полка
1974 recording From the set Russian Military music and music dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 (Melody, 1987)

Марш лейб-гвардии Измайловского полка
Recording 1971 From the set Russian military music and music dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 (`Melody, 1987)

Марш «Орел»
1971 recording From the set Russian military music and music dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812 (`Melody, 1987)

Марш на вступление в Париж в 1814 году

THE ORTHODOX SINGERS male choir. Recording: Moscow Conservatory, January to April 1998.


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