.9-10 centuries. Music of the Carolingian dynasty
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`Версус о битве при Фонтене (841)` (IX-X вв.; слова Ангильберта)
Performed by: Paolo Faldi (flutes), Marco Muzzati (psalterium, percussion), Gianfranco Russo (fidel) - Stefano Albarello hands. ensembles, vocals, cytol, lute. Bologna, 2009.
Hymn `Creator of the starry sky` (IX-X centuries; words by Boethius)
Paolo Faldi (flutes), Marco Muzzati (psalterium, percussion), Gianfranco Russo (fidel) - Stefano Albarello hands. ensembles, vocals, cytol, lute. Bologna, 2009.
`Gottschalk`s Versus for his friend Walafrid Strabo` (IX-X centuries; words by Gottschalk from Orbe)
Performed by: Paolo Faldi (flutes), Marco Muzzati (psalterium, percussion), Gianfranco Russo (fidel) - Stefano Albarello hands. ensembles, vocals, cytol, lute. Bologna, 2009.
`Bella bis quinis` (IX в.; слова Боэция)
Paolo Faldi (flutes), Marco Muzzati (psalterium, percussion), Gianfranco Russo (fidel) - Stefano Albarello hands. ensembles, vocals, cytol, lute. Bologna, 2009.
Excerpts from Book 2 of Virgil`s Aeneid
Paolo Faldi (flutes), Marco Muzzati (psalterium, percussion), Gianfranco Russo (fidel) - Stefano Albarello hands. ensembles, vocals, cytol, lute. Bologna, 2009.
`Плач на гибель Гуго, аббата Сен-Кантена` (844 г.; слова анонимного автора)
Paolo Faldi (flutes), Marco Muzzati (psalterium, percussion), Gianfranco Russo (fidel) - Stefano Albarello hands. ensembles, vocals, cytol, lute. Bologna, 2009.
`Albi ne doleas` (IX в.; слова Горация)
Paolo Faldi (flutes), Marco Muzzati (psalterium, percussion), Gianfranco Russo (fidel) - Stefano Albarello hands. ensembles, vocals, cytol, lute. Bologna, 2009.
Excerpts from Book 4 of Virgil`s Aeneid
Paolo Faldi (flutes), Marco Muzzati (psalterium, percussion), Gianfranco Russo (fidel) - Stefano Albarello hands. ensembles, vocals, cytol, lute. Bologna, 2009.
`Est mihi nonum` (IX в.; слова Горация)
Paolo Faldi (flutes), Marco Muzzati (psalterium, percussion), Gianfranco Russo (fidel) - Stefano Albarello hands. ensembles, vocals, cytol, lute. Bologna, 2009.
Sequence `Cigni (Frankish, 10th century)
sequence `Fortis atque amara` (IX century)
Benjamin Bagby (vocals, harp, symphony), Norbert Rodenkirchen (flute, harp). Walberberg Monastery Church, Bornheim, Germany, 2008.
...Sin tac piqueme, daz er touuan scal (фрагмент Муспилли, возможно рукопись из Фульда, нач. IX в.)
Benjamin Bagby (vocals, harp, symphony), Norbert Rodenkirchen (flute, harp). Walberberg Monastery Church, Bornheim, Germany, 2008.
`Thes habet er ubar woroltring` (words by Otfried von Weissenburg, Alsace, c. 875)
Performers: Benjamin Bagby (vocals, harp, symphony), Norbert Rodenkirchen (flute, harp). Walberberg Monastery Church, Bornheim, Germany, 2008.
Adducentur` (инструментальная пьеса, базирующаяся на мелодиях франкских секвенций)
Reconstruction of N. Rodenkirchen. Performed by Norbert Rodenkirchen (flute) - hands. The Benjamin Bugbee Ensemble. Walberberg Monastery Church, Bornheim, Germany, 2008.
`Occidentana` (instrumental piece based on the melodies of Frankish sequences)
Reconstruction of N. Rodenkirchen. Performed by Norbert Rodenkirchen (flute) - hands. The Benjamin Bugbee Ensemble. Walberberg Monastery Church, Bornheim, Germany, 2008.
`Geng imo tho the godes sunu` (fragment from the epic Old Saxon poem `The Saviour` (`Heliand`); early 9th century; probably manuscript from Fulda)
Benjamin Bagby (vocals, harp). Walberberg Monastery Church, Bornheim, Germany, 2008.
`Iudicii signum` (`Prophecy of the Sibyl from Erythra` from the work of Aurelius Augustine `On the City of God`, Aquitaine, X-XI centuries)
Benjamin Bagby (vocals, symphony), Norbert Rodenkirchen (flute). Walberberg Monastery Church, Bornheim, Germany, 2008.
`Scalam ad caelos`, Frankish sequence (Notker(?), instrumental piece based on the melodies of Frankish sequences; 9th century)
Reconstruction by B. Bagby and N. Rodenkirchen. Performers: Benjamin Bagby (vocals, harp, symphony), Norbert Rodenkirchen (flute, harp). Walberberg Monastery Church, Bornheim, Germany, 2008.
Альба `Phebi Claro` (X в., Прованс)
Eric MENTZEL (tenor), Benjamin BUGBEE (harp). Cologne, 2002.
Swan sequence (c. 850, Aquitaine)
Eric MENTZEL (tenor). Cologne, 2002.
Vinileoda Foebus Abierat (IX-X centuries, Northern Italy)
Agnet Christensen (vocals), Benjamin Bugbee (harp). Cologne, 2002.
Sequence `Puella turbata` (X century)
Performed by: Benjamin Bugbee (harp), Norbert Rodenkirchen (flute). Cologne, 2002.
`Версус о битве при Фонтене (841)` (IX-X вв.; слова Ангильберта)
Estelle Buenard (vocals, reed flutes), Carol Matras (vocals), Pierre Bouris (vocals), Guillaume Ede (vocals), Jean-Loup Decamp (epic singing, lyre, bowed lyre, cistra), Christophe Tellar (organistrum, lyre, psalmody), Katya Kare (ensemble leader, recorder, vocals). Fontevrault Abbey, October 2012.
`Versus on the destruction of the monastery of Saint-Florent` (IX-X centuries; words by Letald)
Estelle Buenard (vocals, reed flutes), Carol Matras (vocals), Pierre Bouris (vocals), Guillaume Ede (vocals), Jean-Loup Decamp (epic singing, lyre, bowed lyre, cistra), Christophe Tellar (organistrum, lyre, psalmody), Katya Kare (ensemble leader, recorder, vocals). Fontevrault Abbey, October 2012.
`Плач на гибель Гуго, аббата Сен-Кантена` (844 г.; слова анонимного автора)
Estelle Buenard (vocals, reed flutes), Carol Matras (vocals), Pierre Bouris (vocals), Guillaume Ede (vocals), Jean-Loup Decamp (epic singing, lyre, bowed lyre, cistra), Christophe Tellar (organistrum, lyre, psalmody), Katya Kare (ensemble leader, recorder, vocals). Fontevrault Abbey, October 2012.
`Gottschalk`s Versus for his friend Walafrid Strabo` (IX-X centuries; words by Gottschalk from Orbe)
Estelle Buenard (vocals, reed flutes), Carol Matras (vocals), Pierre Bouris (vocals), Guillaume Ede (vocals), Jean-Loup Decamp (epic singing, lyre, bowed lyre, cistra), Christophe Tellar (organistrum, lyre, psalmody), Katya Kare (ensemble leader, recorder, vocals). Fontevrault Abbey, October 2012.
Hymn `Creator of the starry sky` (IX-X centuries; words by Boethius)
Estelle Buenard (vocals, reed flutes), Carol Matras (vocals), Pierre Bouris (vocals), Guillaume Ede (vocals), Jean-Loup Decamp (epic singing, lyre, bowed lyre, cistra), Christophe Tellar (organistrum, lyre, psalmody), Katya Kare (ensemble leader, recorder, vocals). Fontevrault Abbey, October 2012.
`Плач на гибель Гуго, аббата Сен-Кантена` (844 г.; слова анонимного автора)
John Buttrey, Neil Jenkins (ténors) / Maurice Bevan (baryton) / Alfred Deller (contre-tenor) / 1974
`Версус о битве при Фонтене (841)` (IX-X вв.; слова Ангильберта)
Gerard Le Vu (vocals), Mikeu Montanaro (reed flute). 1985.