Parts of Works,  (Chabrier)

Emmanuel Chabrier (1841–1894)

Parts of Works


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
¹ 6 from `Pieces pittoresques`.

¹ 6 from `Pieces pittoresques`.

¹ 6 from `Pieces pittoresques`.


¹ 10 from `Pieces pittoresques`. Recorded in 1953.

VI. Idylle. 2017 Condon Collection Digital

¹ 10 from `Pieces pittoresques`. Recorded: April 3, 1963.

N 10 Scherzo-valse.

`Scherzo-valse` (from `Dix pièces pittoresques`). Recorded in July, 1999 at The Ford Centre For The Performing Arts, Toronto (Ontario), Canada.

¹ 6 from `Pieces pittoresques`. Recorded: May 21, 1965, Paris.

`Idylle` (from `Dix pièces pittoresques`). Recorded in July, 1999 at The Ford Centre For The Performing Arts, Toronto (Ontario), Canada.



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