Opera `Martha` (arias),  (Flotow)

Friedrich von Flotow (1812–1883)

Opera `Martha` (arias)


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Aria from the opera Marta.

`M`appari`. Recording: London, 16-30 July, 5 & 9 August, 1971.

Marta, Act 3 - M`apparì tutt`amor. Rec. 15.04.1917.

Marta, Act 1 - Solo, profugo, reietto! With Marcel Journet, bass. Rec. 12.01.1910.



Act 2. The last Rose of Summer / Kingsway Hall, London, 26 October–3 November 1962.

1970 - `Ach so fromm, ach so traut`

`M`appari tutt`amor`. December 8, 1952, Torino.

`Marta`: Lionel`s aria from 3 d. (`Marta, Marta, where did you hide`). - In ITALIAN by Jussi Bjerling. Royal Court Orchestra, Stockgsholm. Dir. Nils Grevillius. January 22, 1957.

Lionel`s Aria. Ach, so fromm, ach, so trout (Act 3) – In Italian.

In Italian. yaz. Solo profugo. With Richard Bonelli. From the records of 1920-27 .


`The last rose of summer`. On the Italian. yaz. Record of 1929-30.


Ach so fromm. In Italian, 1910

Ach so fromm (3 d.). In English. yaz. DDir. George Bing. August 29, 1919

`The last rose of summer`. In ENGLISH. yaz. 1924. Dir. Frank Black.


The last Rose of Summer


`M`appari tutt`amor`

`Lasst mich euch fragen` (Act III). March 2-11, 1968, Munich.

`The Last Rose Of Summer`

`Martha`. Lionel`s aria from 3 acts. 1934, orchestra of the Parlophone company, dir. Felix Gunther.

Act III `Ach so fromm`

Act I Duet Wie das schnattert, wie das plappert

Lionel`s aria Ah, so fromm (act 3). In FRENCH. yaz. Dir. Eli Cohen. 1930


Mag der Himmel euch vergeben (act 3). Harriet-Erna Berger, Lionel -M.Wittrish, Plumkett - W.Beck, Julia - Margarethe Klose. Berlin Mountains. orchestra. Dir. Kun. 1932

Opera Martha, Act III: Aria `Ach so fromm, ach so traut`. 1998-99. Àrr. S. Degen.



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