Opera in three acts, the English William Auden and C. Kallman on Hogarth`s engravings (1951)
Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Don Garrard - Trulove, Judith Raskin - Anne, Alexander Young - Tom Rakewell, John Reardon - Nick Shadow, Jean Manning - Mother Goose, Regina Sarfaty - Baba the Turk, Kevin Miller - Sellem, Peter Tracey - Keeper of the madhouse. The Salder`s Wells Opera Chorus (John Barker, director). Colin Tilney - harpsichord. June 16-20, 22, 23, 1964, London.
Norman Scott - Trulove, Hilde Gueden - Anne, Eugene Conley - Tom Rakewell, Mack Harrell - Nick Shadow, Martha Lipton - Mother Goose, Blanche Thebom, Baba the Turk, Paul Franke - Sellem, Lawrence Davidson - Keeper of the madhouse. Chorus & Orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera Association. Kurt Adler - chorus master. Recording - March 1, 8, 10, 1953, New York.