Nocturne No. 1 es-moll for Piano (1875), op. 33/1 (Faure)

Gabriel Faure (1845–1924)

Nocturne No. 1 es-moll for Piano (1875), op. 33/1

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Records 1970, 72.





Entry - January February 1956, Paris.


Recorded at Salle Cortot, Paris (France), April 16-18, 2003.

Recording: Walthamstow Town Hall, London (England), February 18-19, 1986.

Concert recording 2020. (without the public). Concert Hall named after.Tchaikovsky, Moscow

Recorded in the early `60s.

2018, Antwerpen, Belgium

Recorded at Espace de projection Ircam, Paris (France), May 1998.



Recorded at Convocation Hall, University of Alberta at Edmonton, Canada, October 3, 1993 and February 21, 1994.




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