,  (Smirnova)
Tatyana Smirnova (1940–2018)

1.Awakening 2.Rejoicing Zhazira Abdigali (cello), Olga Shamak (piano) MZK 22.4.2010
15.01.2006ã. Moscow House of Composers
A.Getman (elocutionist), E.Shklyanko (flute), M.Zolotarenko (cello), N.Yakhont (harp) BZK 2005.
Konstantin Khachaturyan (piano) `You were born from the whisper of words` At Tatyana Smirnova’s arts club in the topic: `Precious wreath of Russia: A. Blok, A. Scriabin, M. Vrubel` Season 29 14.4.98 Moscow House of Composers
Author`s concert by Tatyana Smirnova 31.5.1999 Rachmaninov Hall of the Moscow Conservatory
1.Forest paths 2.Choruses 3.In the mountains 4.Dance of the sorceress-grass 5.Song of sadness 6.Spring games 7.Dance (Transcarpathia) Moscow House of Composers Small Hall. 10.29.2009Ekaterina Vasilchenko (piano)
Dmitry Krasinski (pupil in the ensemble) 1.Sad Tune 2.Counting 3.Lullaby 4.Round Dance 5.Polka 6.A little bird has sung behind the river 7.The timpani is heard humming 8. Petrushka`s Dance
`Madrigal` From Tatiana Smirnova`s concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of her creative activity Rachmaninoff Hall of the Moscow Conservatory 12.06.2013
Tatyana Smirnova (piano) 2. Aria-vocalise 3. Sonnet. Recording from a creative evening of composer and pianist Tatyana Smirnova. Rachmaninov Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, January 22, 2004.
Tatyana Smirnova (piano) 5. Seguidilla Tatyana Smirnova`s Arts Club at the Moscow House of Composers 26th season Topic: Sounds and colors of Genoa and Madrid` 12.2.95
1.Monologue,2.Aria,3.Scherzo Tatyana Smirnova (piano) Small Hall of the Conservatory 4 22 2010
Tatyana Smirnova (piano) Rachmaninov Hall of the Moscow Conservatory 6 15 2011
1. Northern Tune Recorded by broadcast from the Rachmaninov Hall of the Conservatory 2005.
Choir `Preobrazhenie` of the Union of Composers of Russia R.Kawasaki (piano), M.Fomin (drums) 19.11.2006ã. MDK
Based on Valentin Lavrov`s historical novel `Catastrophe` . Broadcast from the Rachmaninov Hall of the Conservatory on May 31, 1999.
Andrey Getman (elocutionist), Dmitry Tarasov (oboe), Alexey Bashkirov (double bass), Tatiana Smirnova (piano) RZK 2006.
1.`Aria-vocalize` 2.`Mozart`s joke in B`, 3.`Romantic message to Ant.Dvo??k` Natalia Yakhont (harp) on broadcast from V.G. Dulova harp art festival 2004.
1.Ay, on that mountain (wedding) 2.Grass grows at the gate 3.And we wait for Shrovetide 4.Game 5.There was a tree 6.Bylina 7. As nga dubchika 8.I will go to the green garden to walk 9. You sisters, girlfriends 10. How the young man`s name was called 11. The youngest girl has gone for a walk 12. Come on, cousin
Trio consisting of: Alvina Veselko (oboe), Zhazira Abdigali (cello), Olga Shamak (piano) Creative evening of the composer and pianist, Honored Artist of Russia, Professor of the Moscow Conservatory in the Mirror Hall of the Institute of Art History, Moscow 18.1.2012.
Premiere at Tatiana Smirnova`s anniversary author`s evening at the N.Ya.Myaskovsky Concert Hall 30.03.2015
Part 1 - `Quiet is my region after the storm, after the storm...` Part 2 - `Silence` three-part `Mysterious world, world of my old ...` Elena Zolotova (soprano), Alvin Veselko (oboe), Zhazira Abdigali (cello), Olga Shamak (piano). International Festival `Moscow Autumn` 14.11.2011. MDK
Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory 17.5.2000
1.Annunciation& 2.King Herod 3.Virgin Mary of Nazareth 4. The power of darkness 5. Hallelujah Ensemble of soloists of RGK MDK 1997g.
Tatyana Smirnova (piano) 1.`Akashi Bay` 2.`The wave rises` 3.`Willow` 4.`This world is a dream`5.`Love` 6.`Separation` to poems by ancient Japanese poets Club arts of composer, pianist, musical and public figure Tatyana Georgievna Smirnova in the Moscow House of Composers. 12 11 1994
Natalia Nikolaeva (piano) in the author’s concert of composer T. Smirnova on March 30, 2008. TsDRI
1.Novoselty 2.Name Day 3.In a clear field 4.Epigram to a poet Moscow Choir Festival `Moscow Autumn` 2003g.
M. Lermontov & Motherland& read by Andrey Getman (literary word) Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory 15.2.2010
State Wind Orchestra of Russia (sketch performance) from the festival `Moscow Autumn` 1992.
Broadcast recording from 1990.
Irina Novikova (piano) Author`s concert of Tatyana Smirnova Rachmaninov Hall of the Moscow Conservatory 11 14 2005
1. Capricious 2. Offended... 3. Crybaby 4. Naughty boy 5. Dreamer 6. Tramp 7. Sad... 8. Joker
Elena Zolotova (soprano) Recorded May 23, 2011. (premiere)
Svetlana Danilyan (domra and Osipov ORNI)
Chamber ensemble of MGF `Concertino` Record by broadcast from the festival `Moscow Autumn` MDK 2000ã.
1 Poem Michael Oderkov 2 Poem Tatiana Tarasova 3 poem duo M.Oderkov and T.Tarasova. Arranged for 2 guitars by N.A.Ivanova-Kramskaya. Verse by Garcia Lorca, composer Tatiana Smirnova reading. 31 season at the T.Smirnova`s Arts Club in MDK. January 2000. Topic: `Music of Madrid`
1.In the field plowed wheat 2.On the mountain there was a rowan tree 3.I`ll walk along the mountain 4.The green oak tree made a noise 5. And Ivan`s Marya
1.Prelude 2.Another song 3. In a dream 4. Interlude 5. First Song 6. Postlude Tatyana Smirnova (piano)
Prologue from the opera- oratorio `Sergius of Radonezh`. International Festival Moscow Autumn 15.11.2019
Choir of Children`s Musical Choir School No.68 of Moscow. Tatyana Kopelevich (piano) Record 1985g.04.17
1.Aria-vocalization (to S.V.Rachmaninov) 2. Message-joke in B (to W.A.Mozart) 3. Romantic message to Antonin Dvo??k RZK 2003g.
1.Summer 2.Autumn 3.Russian winter 4.April Performed by children`s choir of CDKJ
Irina Novikova (piano) Author`s concert of Tatyana Smirnova Rachmaninov Hall of the Moscow Conservatory 11 14 2005
Tatyana Smirnova (piano) Recording from the Hall of Columns of the House of the Union, 1994.
Recording from the All-Russian Folk Song Contest
sl.Konstantin Ibryaev 1.Summer 2.Sun towards 3.Bells 4.Andante 5.It is good to be a tourist 6.I will never give up sports 7. Song Festival
Balzhan Urazbayeva (flute) Olivia Skvara (piano)
`Japanese watercolors` - radio broadcast by Irina Zimina on radio `Russia`
Tatiana Smirnova (piano) Recorded on 29.12.1999.
Victor Paraskeva (bass) 1.Ugolek 2. In the forest wilderness 3. Grouse 4.Alyonushka 5.Beauty
Emma Gorelova (mezzo-soprano) Broadcast recording 1990.
Rie Kawasaki (piano) Japan Recording from the Rachmaninov Hall of the Conservatory on 10.10.2006.
1. Sleeps orb-wise Neva words Y.Melnikov 2. Memory stand! words M.Rumyantseva 3. In the besieged city 4. Ballad of Leningrad Children lyrics by A.Mezhirov 5. Eternal memory to the fallen 6. Meet the enemy bravely sl. M.Svetlov 7. On the land of spring sl. Y.Melnik
International Festival `Moscow Autumn` Rachmaninoff Hall 1992 (sketch performance)
1. Overture 2.Aria 3.Finale Chamber Orchestra of the Union of Composers of Moscow & Amadeus& International Festival & Moscow Autumn& MDK 21.11.1998g.
Orchestral treatment by the chief conductor of the orchestra of the Northern Choir A.M. Kachaev Artistic director Svetlana Ignatieva
International Festival `Moscow Autumn` 2004.MDK
1.Russian melody (domra and piano)2.Legend (bassoon and piano)3.Dance (domra and piano)4.Sarabande (double bass and piano)5.Lullaby (bassoon and piano)6.Almost waltz (double bass and piano)7.Russian dance (domra and piano).
From the cycle Color songs words by V. Viktorov:Pink,Green, White song, Gray song, Golden song Choral class `Eaglets` DSHI named after I.S.Kozlovsky at the anniversary concert of Tatiana Smirnova 12.10.2015
Moscow Autumn International FestivalMoscow House of Composers 26.11.2018
Parts 1, 2, 4. International Festival `Moscow Autumn`. Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 20.10.1985
Choir after Stevan Mokriants Recorded from the festival after S.Mokriants Negotin (Yugoslavia) 1990.
Concert in memory of composer and pianist Tatiana Smirnova (30.3.1940 - 06.06.2018)Premiere of the essay. Rachmaninoff Hall 9.06.2018
International Festival Moscow Autumn House of Composers 31.10.2017 Premiere
Author`s concert by composer Tatiana Smirnova at the Leos Janacek Music Academy in Brno (Czechoslovakia). Performers: teachers and professors of the Department of wind instruments.December 13, 1984.
Author`s concert by composer Tatiana Smirnova at the Leos Janacek Music Academy in Brno (Czechoslovakia). Performers: teachers and professors of the Department of wind instruments.December 13, 1984.
Name of parts: 1. A fun journey. 2. The mysterious passenger 3. At night in the forest 4. And again on the road 5.In the morning 6. On the lawn 7. It`s evening 8. Homecoming. The Orchestra of the Saratov Philharmonic in 1975.
Tatiana Smirnova`s jubilee author`s concert at the Moscow House of Composers 12.10.2015
Concert in memory of composer Tatiana Smirnova at the Russian-German House in Moscow on March 27, 2018.
Concert in memory of composer Tatiana Smirnova Moscow House of Composers on April 6, 2019.
Anton Klimenkov (f-no) Concert in memory of the composer Tatiana Smirnova at the Moscow House of Composers on April 6, 2019.


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