`Ala and Lolli` Scythian Suite for large orchestra (1914), op. 20 (Prokofiev)

Sergey Prokofiev (1891–1953)

`Ala and Lolli` Scythian Suite for large orchestra (1914), op. 20

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1. Worship to Veles and Ala 2. Chuzhbog and dance of evil 3. Night 4. March of Lolly and rally of Sun.

Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Sinfonica de la Juventud Venezolana Simon Bolivar


Scythian Suite, Op.20. Chicago Symphony Orchestra, conductor Claudio Abbado.

Symphony Orchestra of the Moscow Philharmonic, 1974.

New York Philharmonic, conductor Leonard Bernstein. Sony Classical. Rec. 2 May 1964, New York.




Scottish National Orchestra

Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra, 1987.

Radio-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart. Cond. S.Celibidache. Rec. 27.11.1975.

ORTF, conductor Igor Markevitch.

Scythian Suite, Op.20. London Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Walter Weller.

Scythian Suite, Op.20. Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, conductor Kurt Masur. Label: Warner Classics.

Scythian Suite.


Scythian Suite, Op.20. Wiener Symphoniker, conductor Hermann Scherchen.

Scythian Suite, Op.20. Orchestre Philharmonique de la Radiotelevision Française, conductor Maurice Le Roux.



1966 - Vinyl transfer

2016 Sony Music

Entry 2020



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