XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`:  6.Cuncti simus concanentes (Let`s sing together),  (Anonymous)


XIVc. Songs of the pilgrims from the manuscript `Libre vermell de Montserrat`: 6.Cuncti simus concanentes (Let`s sing together)


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from the album of 1996 release

from the album of the 2006 release

`Cuncti simus concanentes`

recorded 1990 in London, Temple Church

1. Cuncti simus concanentes / Ensemble Unicorn, 1996

`Cuncti simus concanentes`

In Belarusian, translation - Zmitser Sosnovsky // From the album `Santa Maria` (2013).



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