1. Little Kirsten
2. The Mother`s Lament
3. On the Water
4. A Bird cried out
5. Midsummer Eve
Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
No. 3 Song ``In the shuttle`` (translated by V. Argamakov). 1976
Op. 60, No. 3. Entry - March 1992, Stockholm.
Or. 60, ¹ 1, 3: 10.6.1943 (Berger), 31.12.1941 (Schmitt-Walter).
No.5 / Knut Skram (baritone) & Rudolf Jansen (piano)
No. 3. `In the canoe` - In German. Leo Slezak. Piano by B.Seidler-Winkler. Berlin, June (?) 1923
No.4 / Marianne HIRSTI (soprano) & Rudolf JANSEN (piano)
No.2 / Marianne HIRSTI (soprano) & Rudolf JANSEN (piano)
No.3 / Marianne HIRSTI (soprano) & Rudolf JANSEN (piano)
Liten Kirsten, Op. 60 No. 1 March 1956.
No.1 / Marianne HIRSTI (soprano) & Rudolf JANSEN (piano)
Og jeg vil ha mig en silkevest, Op. 60 No. 5 (Vilhelm Krag
26-29 March 1956 - Excerpt: No.1 Liden kirsten