Pictures at an Exhibition, cycle of pieces for piano (1874), MM 59 (Mussorgsky)

Modest Mussorgsky (1839–1881)

Pictures at an Exhibition, cycle of pieces for piano (1874), MM 59

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¹1. Gnomus [Dwarf]
¹2. Il Vecchio Castello [Old Castle]
¹3. Tuilleries
¹4. Bydlo
¹5. Ballet unhatched chicks
¹6. Samuel Goldenberg und...Read more
¹1. Gnomus [Dwarf]
¹2. Il Vecchio Castello [Old Castle]
¹3. Tuilleries
¹4. Bydlo
¹5. Ballet unhatched chicks
¹6. Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuyle
¹7. Limoges - Le marche (Limoges. Market)
¹8. Catacombae. Sepulcrum romanum (Catacombs. Roman tomb)
[Cum mortuis in lingua mortua (From the dead in a dead language)]
¹9. Hut on chicken legs (Baba-Yga)
¹10. The Great Gate

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Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
November 14, 1956, Prague, live


8 12 49 - Moscow, BZK

10/2/69 - Napoli. Auditorium di produzione RAI.

24 2 58 - Sofia, concert hall `Bulgaria`.

recording-October 1952, Moscow.

Recorded on December 15, 1968, Moscow.

London, November 19, 1968

Recorded on November 16, 1968, Dublin.


This entry was given to us by the respected YAÑAWA, IgorEfimov only edited it. Recorded 1951

Recorded - December 7 and 22, 1947

Recorded on April 23, 1951, Carnegie Hall, New York.



Recorded: June 1967.


7 July 1985 - London

Recorded at SWR-Studio, Freiburg, Germania, 4 & 5 August, 2001.


Recorded in 1967.




Entry - January 12, 14, 1976, Paris.



Version for orchestra, 1980, Chicago

Jeno Jando - piano. Label: Naxos. Rec. 10 & 12 May 1988, Budapest.




Entry 1972



Oct. 2017, YouTube video

2006, Sweden. (128 kbit s - 33:19)

Transcription for guitar - K. Yamashita


Recording spring 1990

Skt. Lukas Kirke, Aarhus, Denmark, 28.02.2017 (live)


Harmonia Mundi, Recorded: November 2010 and February 2014, Teldex Studio, Berlin.

recorded in 2009 in Paris

Recording from a concert in the Small Hall of the Moscow Conservatory on February 9, 2003


Recording from the Salzburg Festival on July 31, 1961

Live - 20 February 1982 - Wigmore Hall, London

Recording: firm Melody, 1994


16th International Music Festival „Chopin and his Europe”. 31.08.2020, Warsaw Philharmonic Concert Hall

Recorded in Armenia, 1998.

The Bekova Sisters. 1997, London

Entry - 1992, Zurich.




Athens, 2015.

Recorded: August 16, 1957, Salzburg Festival.

1980, live recording

¹ 8. Catacombae. Sepulcrum romanum


Recorded by COLUMBIA in New York City (USA), July 23-25, 1962.

rec. in 2008

Taken from a LP released by RCA VICTOR (USA) in 1964.

Organ Gloucester Cathedral. 2006


Recorded by RCA VICTOR in New York City (USA), May 1958. PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED ON CD.

September 1961 - Fine Recording Studios, New York

Recording: The Frick Collection, New York City (USA), March 1, 1953.

201, Denmark



ALAIN LEFÈVRE, PIANO. Recorded on October 24th and 25th, 2001, in Canada.

Mastered by Yuri Suvorov • Recorded 1953

Released in 1971.

Taken from a PATHÉ MARCONI (France) lp recorded in 1963. NEVER RELEASED ON CD.

July 1961, New York, USA.


Recorded in Henry Wood Hall, London (England), October 1990.

Recorded in USA, October 14, 1953.


Recorded at Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory, Boston, Massachusetts (USA), July 30, 2005.



Recording from the concert


Nobuyuki Tsujii - piano. Recorded at Teldex Studio Berlin on May 6-7, 2010.


Live at Carnegie hall, 2014.

CD 2015



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