Opera `Orfeo ed Euridice` (1762), Wq.30 (Gluck)

Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714–1787)

Opera `Orfeo ed Euridice` (1762), Wq.30

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Vienna version, 1762.

Vienna version 1762. Gundula Janowitz, soprano (Eurydice)

In Russian. Paris version of 1774. Ivan Kozlovsky - Orpheus, Elizaveta Shumskaya - Eurydice, Galina Sakharova - Cupid, Tatyana Talakhadze - Blessed Shadow. Choir and Orchestra of the All-Union Radio. Samuil Samosud, conductor. Recording from 1950.

Orfeo - Giulietta Simionato; Euridice - Sena Jurinac; Amore - Graziella Sciutti; Wiener Philharmoniker; Chor der Wiener Staatsoper, conductor Herbert Von Karajan. Rec. 1959.

Anne Sofie von Otter - Orphee, Barbara Hendricks - Eurydice, Brigitte Fournier - Amour. Recording - January 29 - February 2, 1989, Lyon.

Orfeo – Maureen Forrester, Euridice – Teresa Stich-Randall, Amore – Hanny Steffek. Choir and Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera – Charles Mackerras. 1966

Edited by G. Berlioz. In Italian. language Choir and Orchestra of the Dutch Opera. Conductor Charles Bruck Orpheus - Kathleen Ferrier, Eurydice - Gret Keman (hello Koeman), Amur - Nel Duval 1951 (video)

Fedora Barbieri (mezzo soprano), Hilde Güden (soprano), Magda Gabory (soprano). Orchestra & Chorus of La Scala Theater, conductor: Wilhelm Furtwängler. Recorded in 1951, Teatro alla Scala, Milan (Live)

rfeo - Marilyn HORNE, Eurydice - Pilar LORENGAR, Amor - Helen DONATH / Orchestra & Chorus of the Royal Opera House / con. Georg SOLTI / 1969, Kingsway Hall, London

Vienna version, 1762.

Orpheus and Eurydice. The author`s performance dir. Mariusz Trevinski with Gluck`s music. Voytech Gerlach (bass-baritone, Orfeo), Olga Pashechna (Euridice), Lenka Macekova (Amor). Soloists, Ballet, Chorus and Orchestra of the Polish National Opera, conductor - Ł

`Les Musiciens du Louvre`French version, 1774.

In Russian. Orpheus - Lyudmila Filatova, Eurydice - Lyudmila Ivanova, Amur - Kira Izotova. Leningrad University Choir, artistic director - Grigory Sandler. Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic, conducted by Nikolai Rabinovich. Broadcast recording from the Great Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic, 05.06.1964.


Orpheus - K.Torborg, Eurydice - Ya.Novotna, Cupid - Marita Farrell. The conductor.Linesdor. New York, Metropolitan Opera. January 20, 1940 (live broadcast). As far as I know, this is the first complete recording of Orpheus and Eurydice.

Roman Polyphonic Choir, w/ Collegium Musicum Italicum

Orfeo - Bernarda FINK, Euridice - Verónica CANGEMI, Amore - Maria Cristina KIEHR // RIAS Kammerchor & Freiburger Barockorchester // 2001, Teldec-Studio Berlin

Performed by: Orpheus - Grace Bambri (mezzo-soprano)


D. Fischer-Dieskau - Orpheus, Maria Stader - Eurydice, Rita Streich - Cupid. With the participation of the Berlin Motet Choir. The choirmaster is Gunther Arndt. Recording - September 8-12, 1956, Berlin.

Orphée — Juan Diego Flórez, Eurydice — Lucy Crowe, Amour — Amanda Forsythe / Conductor — John Eliot Gardiner / Monteverdi Choir, English Baroque Soloists. / Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London / 30th September 2015.

Maureen Forrester, Lydia Marimpietri, Luciana Riccinelli-Fattori

Orchestra and Chorus of the American Opera Society. Recording - April 4, 1967, New York (live).

Concert version. Orphee - Nicolai Gedda, Eurydice - Janine Micheau, Amor - Liliane Berton. Live performance from Aix-en-Provence, July 1955.

Orfeo - Risë Stevens / Euridice - Lisa Della Casa / Amore - Roberta Peters / Chor & Orchestra Opera de Roma - Conductor Pierre Monteux / 1957.

Orfeo - Philippe Jaroussky; Euridice - Patricia Petibon; Amore - Emőke Baráth / Chœur de Radio France // 2 juin 2018, Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Paris

1995, Skywalker Ranch, California, USA

Euridice - Wilhelmenia Fernandez, Orfeo - Graciela Araya, Amore - Claudia Vorbeck // Sindelfingen Youth Choir & Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester // 1987, Züblin-Haus, Stuttgart

Vienna edition. November 8, 1964 (live). Cologne, the Great Hall of the Radio House. The choir of the Cologne Radio. Capella Coloniensis. Dir. Ferdinand Leitner. Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau (Orpheus), Elisabeth S?derstr?m (Eurydice), Ruth-Margret P?tz (Cupid).

June 1, 1975 (live). Zagreb, Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra. Chorus of Zagreb Radio and TV. Dir. Lovro von Matacic Ruzha Pospis-Baldani (Orpheus), Adrienne Sengeri (Eurydice), Nada Ruzdiak (Amur).

1935. Symphony Orchestra of Paris. Alexey Vlasov`s Russian Choir. Dir. Henri Tomasi. Alice Raveau (Orpheus, K.), Germain Feraldi (Eurydice, S.), Jeanie Delille (Cupid, S.). - This recording is the first large, relatively complete recording of Gluck`s opera Orpheus and Eurydice (59 minutes). It is based on the Paris version of the opera edited by Berlioz and Saint-Saens

2002 entry.Paris version.Jean-Paul Fouché

Orfeo - Ewa Podles / Euridice - Ana Rodrigo / Amor - Elena de la Merced / Orquesta Sinfónica de Galicia / Coro de la Comunidad de Madrid / Conductor - Peter Maag / Recording of a performance in La Coruña, Spain (19 June 1998). / 1762 version (translated into Italian).

November 8, 1947. Opera in abridgment (54 min.). The Gleidenbourne Festival Choir . The Southern Philharmonic Orchestra. Dir. Fritz Stidri. Kathleen Ferrier (Orpheus), Ann Eyars (Eurydice). Zoe Vlahopoulos (Amor).

1961. The soundtrack of a Canadian TV performance. Canadian Radio Orchestra. Dir. Otto-Werner Muller. Leopold Simoneau (Orpheus), Pierrette Alary (Eurydice), Claire Gagnier (Cupid).

Orphée - Ewa Podles / Eurydice - Raphaëlle Farman / L`Amour - Marie-Noëlle de Callataÿ / Collegium Instrumentale Brugense / Capella Brugensis / Conductor - Patrick Peire / version 1859 / Studio, 1993.

Record of 1953.Hilde Rö

1981 recording.The Viennese version.Orfeo - Agnes Baltsa

2008 entry. Paris version.Orphee- Juan Diego Florez

Record of 1979.The Viennese version.In Italian. Highlightes.Jú

Recording of 1956.Paris version.Lé

Record of 1952.Orchestra and Chorus of the Stä

Recorded January 8, 1956 in Milan. Orfeo - Ebe Stignani



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