,  (Gorr)
Rita Gorr (mezzo-soprano)

Wotan - Hans Hotter, Fricka - Rita Gorr, Loge - Fritz Uhl, Mime - Gerhard Stolze, Alberich - Frans Andersson, Freia - Elisabeth Grümmer, Froh - Sándor Kónya, Donner - Erik Saedén, Erda - Maria von Ilosvay, Fasolt - Theo Adam, Fafner - Josef Greindl, Woglinde - Dorothea Siebert, Wellgunde - Claudia Hellmann, Floßhilde - Ursula Böse. 1958.
Le Saint - Véra Korène, La Mère Douloureuse - Henriette Barreau, L`Empereur - Jean Marchat, Premier Gémeau - Rita Gorr, Second Gémeau - Solange Michel, Le Préfet - Jacques Eyser, La Voix de la Vierge Erigone - Martha Angelici, La Fille Malade des Fièvres - Maria Casarès, Vox Coelestis - Mattiwilda Dobbs, Sanaé - Paul Guers, Anima Sebastiani - Lucienne Jourfier. Choeur Raymond Saint-Paul. Recorded: April 1954, Paris.
Médée - Rita Gorr;
Dircé - Andrée Esposito;
Jason - Guy Chauvet;
Créon - René Bianco.
Théâtre National de l`Opéra Orchestra and Chorus,
Georges Prêtre.

Recorded live on December 24, 1961.
1960 - Leontyne Price (Aida), Jon Vickers (Radames), Rita Gorr (Amneris), Robert Merrill (Amanasro), Giorgio Tozzi (Ramfis), Plinio Clabassi (King), Franco Ricciardi (Messenger), Mietta Sighele (Priestess) - Rome Opera Chorus
Recorded: 6 July 1969, London Coliseum. Rita Gorr, Albert Lance, Gérard Souzay, Jeanne Berbié, Gérard Dunan, Neylson Taylor, Philip Langridge, Edward Byles, Franklyn White, Marion Dodd, Muriel Dickinson, Franklyn Whitelery, Leslie Fry, Cyril Sommers, Gordon Farrell. BBC Chorus.
Live - 2 May 1960 - La Scala, Milan - with Gustav Neidlinger (as Amfortas), Silvio Maoinica, Georg Stern, Montserrat Caballe (as a flower maiden!) - Chorus of La Scala, Milan


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