,  (Firtich)
Georgy Firtich (1938–2016)

`Glamour` is the 3rd part of the suite. Premiere 2014 in the House of Composers
Anna Fenster (violin), symphony orchestraState Academic Chapel of St. Petersburg, 2006.
Composition for six based on poems by V. Mayakovsky, E. Guro, D. Burlyuk, A. Kruchenykh, 2004, ensemble `Musikade camera`, `City`, `And laziness...`, `Everyone is young`, `Dyr bul shir ubeschur`.
The premiere of the composition. Concert `Self-made Hands` on November 8, 2010 at the Pushkin Museum (Moika, 12)
George Firtich, `What is good and what is bad` to the words of V. Mayakovsky. Performed by: E. Igotti (soprano), the Sound Paths ensemble, T. Tkach (percussion), conductor M. Valkov. AFM concert in the House of Comnositors , 2012
Recording at the AFM concert in the House of Composers of St. Petersburg
About it, lyrical symphony for symphony orchestra, solo violin and male voice (Nath. Stetskaya and A.Byron). 2010 Premiere in the Chapel Hall.
Composition 1997. Recording in the House of Composers of St. Petersburg at the end of the 90s
AFM Concert at the House of Composers, June 11, 2009.
Recording of the performance at the author`s evening in the USA. 2009, September 25
Recording at the Anniversary Evening of G.Firtich in the House of Composers 2014
The sonata was performed in 2014 at the anniversary concert at the House of Composers.
Performed at the AFM concert in the House of Composers in 2002.
At the concert - author`s evening in the USA in 2009.
Recorded by the author specifically to help student performers VASSAR, NY. 2006.
Essay 2007Recording of the premiere in St. Petersburg in 2007
2009 recording G.Firtich`s opera `Victory over the Sun` based on A. Kruchenykh`s poems was written in 2006.


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