,  (Hil)
Edward Hil (baritone)

Vocal-symphonic poem for soloists, mixed and children`s choirs and symphony orchestra (1974) Words by A. Shulgina
`Wait for me` (M. Blanter - K. Simonov)
1. EPIGRAPH (I. SELVINSKY). 2. WHEEL OF TIME (N.ASEEV). 3. WHO WAS HE? (V. BRYUSOV, B. PASTERNAK, A. VOZNESENSKY). 4. IN SHUSHENSKY (A. VOZNESENSKY). 5. CLEAN UP. Year of creation - 1969. Year of recording - 1970. More details: http: kkre-51.narod.ru pat_poem.htm
The history of the creation of the romance:
`Cavatina Sidorova`. A comic performance of the text to music from the opera The Barber of Seville.
I repent, uncle... Sl. A. Timofeev
Poems by Nikolai Dobronravov.
`I will not return` (B. Prozorovsky - S. Kasatkin)
`Moscow golden-domed` (Sh.Sekunda
We only know each other (B. Prozorovsky - A. Penkovsky).
`You are asking for songs`. The author of music and poetry is Sasha Makarov - a gypsy singer, composer and poet.
`Happiness is over` (N. Kharito - V. Shumsky)
`Marriage contract` (I. Shishov - P-J. Beranger Ya. Rodionov)
Words - L. Kuklin. From the album `Happy Day` (2008)
Accompanied by accordion.
In the frosty freshness of the earth
Flying among the cold heights
Don`t wave your hand
Lyudmila Filatova
The young hunter
The miracle of miracles
Eduard Khil


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