,  (Utyosov)
Leonid Utyosov (baritone)

Experienced sailor (A. Alexandrov - N. Labkovsky). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by an orchestra.
Farewell Leningrad . `He falls asleep all around - the distances have become blue...` The song, better known as `My dear Muscovites...` But what happens if you sing it in Leningrad. Music: I. Dunaevsky Lyrics: V. Mass, M. Chervinsky 1947 Performed by: Leonid and Edith Utesov. Playing time: 02:35
Song of the old cab driver (N. Bogoslovsky - Y. Rodionov). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Ah, my Odessa (A. Eshpay - V. Kotov). The new lyrics of the song were written by the author at the request of L. Utesov, agreed with the composer. Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by an instrumental ensemble.
Waltz song “Danube Waves” (Ion Ivanovichi - E. Dolmatovsky), 1948. Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by an orchestra.
Mishka – Odessa. `You are a resident of Odessa, Mishka, and this means that neither grief nor misfortune is afraid of you...` A well-known military song, which, by the way, reflects the role of the party (`...but the commissar hugged him with his hand...` ). (M. Volovac - V. Dykhovichny). Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Heart (I. Dunaevsky - V. Lebedev-Kumach). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
“Random Waltz” `But I know that again I’m at my dear home...` Song of the war years. Music: M. Fradkin Lyrics: E. Dolmatovsky 1943 Performed by: L. Utesov. Playing time: 03:09
Music: Modest Tabachnikov Lyrics: Semyon Kirsanov 1951 Performed by: Leonid Utesov Performed in 1951. 03:19
Scythe. “The beautiful girl, the miracle braid, the sea eyes, saw that the Cossack was on a horse and smiled at me.” (N. Bogoslovsky - B. Laskin). Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by a jazz ensemble.
Treasured stone (B. Mokrousov - A. Zharov). 1944 Performed by L. Utesov, accompanied by orchestra. L. Utesov is the first performer of this song. “We have the Tsar Cannon, we have the Tsar Bell, and we have the Tsar Song - “The Treasured Stone,” he said, speaking in one of the television programs.
Song of war correspondents (M. Blanter - K. Simonov). Two versions of performance: 1- Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by an instrumental ensemble. 2- Option with adjusted text, which has become traditional. Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Partisan beard (L. Bakalov - M. Lapirov). `...when we drive the Fritz away, there will be time, we will shave...`
“If you love, find” Tango. music K. Listova, lyrics. L. Oshanina. Leonid Utesov (baritone). state estr. orchestra of the RSFSR. Moscow. (Omp. Moscow City Executive Committee Kominternovsky Raympromtrest). Recording date: Moscow, 07 31 1940. Genre: Tango. Style: Vocal, Retro. Playing time: 2:54
Under the Balkan stars (M. Blanter - M. Isakovsky). Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by a jazz ensemble. In 1946, composer M. I. Blanter was awarded the USSR State Prize for the songs “Under the Balkan Stars”, “My Beloved” and “In the Forest at the Front”.
Lemonchiki (L. Singertal - V. Lebedev-Kumach). Performed by a jazz orchestra conducted by L. Utesov.
Suliko (Varinka Tsereteli - A. Tsereteli, Russian text: M. Ulitsky). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz ensemble. 1930s
Sailor Zheleznyak (M. Blanter - M. Golodny). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz ensemble. 1938.
Moon Rhapsody (O. Strok - N. Labkovsky). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
To those who are at sea (N. Bogoslovsky - L. Oshanin). `... the song is heard, and the wave is obedient, and the friend is faithful, to those who are at sea...`
Girl (M. Blanter - V. Lebedev-Kumach). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Baron von der Pshik to the melody of the song “I Would if I Could” (Sh. Sekunda, arrangement: Orest Kandat - Anatoly Fidrovsky), Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by a jazz orchestra. 1942
Kakhovka (I. Dunaevsky - M. Svetlov). A pre-war recording with the words “Do you remember, comrade, how we wandered around together?” Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Bombers (Jimmy McHugh - G. Adamson, translation: T. Sikorskaya and S. Bolotin). `The tank is broken, the tail is on fire, and the car flies on its word of honor and on one wing...` This is a translation. In the original they arrived not on “word of honor” but “by prayers”. Performed by Leonid and Edith Utesov, accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Song about two friends. “There lived two friends in our regiment...” (S. Germanov - V. Gusev). Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by a jazz ensemble.
Mu-mu (M.Volovac - A.D`Actil). Performed by Leonid and Edith Utesov, accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Those are not clouds - thunderclouds (The Pokrass Brothers - A. Surkov). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
The sea stretches wide (Russian folk song. The musical basis is A. Gurilev’s romance “After the Battle.” Words by G. Zubarev). Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by an instrumental ensemble. 1930s.
Bagels (idea by Grigory Krapivin, words by Yakov Yadov). Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by an instrumental ensemble.
Jazz fan (L. Dieterichs - V. Lebedev-Kumach). Performed by a jazz orchestra. Soloist - Leonid Utesov.
At the samovar (F. Kvyatkovskaya - V. Lebedev-Kumach). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra. 1934
Be healthy (I. Lyuban, processed by N. Minkh - Adam Rusak, Russian text by M. Isakovsky). Performed by Leonid and Edith Utesov, accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Pair of bays (S. Donaurov, sample M. Volovac - S. Donaurov, trans. A. Apukhtin). Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by an instrumental ensemble. 1930s.
Marquise (P. Mizraki - A. Bezymensky). Performed by Leonid and Edith Utesov, accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Random Waltz (M. Fradkin - E. Dolmatovsky). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by an orchestra.
Mystery (V. Sidorov - A. D`Actil). Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by an instrumental ensemble. 1930s.
Road to Berlin. “Berlin street goes through the city! So that means we have a road there...” (M. Fradkin - E. Dolmatovsky). Victory song 1945 Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by a jazz ensemble.
Quiet Partisan `At a secret rest stop in the deep black forest, a light gray fog floats over the river...` (M. Volovac - A. Argo). The song about the actions of the partisans, calling to beat the fascists wherever possible, was recorded during the war years. Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by an orchestra.
The Ballad of the Unknown Sailor (E. Zharkovsky - V. Vinnikov). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Steamboat (N.Minkh - A.D`Aktil). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Tachanka (K. Listov - M. Ruderman). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra. 1930s.
What are you grieving about, comrade sailor. `Friends, I will tell you my grief, I will not hide from you...`
Music: Modest Tabachnikov Lyrics: Yakov Ziskind 1950 Performed by: Leonid Utesov
Smile, dear (B. Fomin - P. German). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra. 1930s.
Orca Swallow (E. Zharkovsky - O. Kolychev). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Leisya song in the open space (V. Pushkov - A. Apsolon), 2 options. They rushed to produce a record with the first version before the film was released. However, by order of the Chief Censor, the song had to be reworked. Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Farewell Komsomol (Dm. and Dan. Pokrass - M. Isakovsky). Performed by Leonid Utesov accompanied by a jazz orchestra.
Three grandchildren. “My grandmother had three beautiful and handsome grandchildren. Since childhood, marine science has seduced them with a beautiful destiny” (V. Solovyov-Sedoy - A. Sofronov). Performed by Leonid Utesov, accompanied by a jazz ensemble.


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